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Nov. 25, 2023

#69 S3 Ep 30: Overcoming the Implications of Colorism and Embracing Your Life's Purpose with Faith: An Inspirational Dialogue with Cassandra Mayo

#69 S3 Ep 30: Overcoming the Implications of Colorism and Embracing Your Life's Purpose with Faith: An Inspirational Dialogue with Cassandra Mayo

Get ready for a journey of faith and self-realization. Our show navigates the spiritual and worldly realm of our choices and the implications they bear on our life's purpose. We also extend our prayers for those finding their way back to God, and those grappling with the art of prayer.

Get ready for a journey of faith and self-realization. Our show navigates the spiritual and worldly realm of our choices and the implications they bear on our life's purpose. We also extend our prayers for those finding their way back to God, and those grappling with the art of prayer.

Join us as we delve deeper into the effects of skin color on one's identity, with our special guest, Cassandra Mayo. Cassandra, who grew up in the church, shares her awakening to the outside world's harsh reality of colorism and redlining. We also unpack the weighty concept of imposter syndrome and the self-imposed barriers that often hinder us from reaching our full potential. Hear Cassandra's inspiring account of overcoming doubts and succeeding in a job she initially felt ill-prepared for, and how God's strength can help us defy self-sabotage.

Stay with us as I share my journey of writing "Is Your Way, In Your Way?"- a book that seeks to guide women through various challenges, emphasizing the importance of constant self-growth. Discover how faith, instead of fear, can be our driving force. As we round up, I leave you with a word - Diamonds. Remember, you are diamonds in the rough. Never let anyone discredit your walk. Keep your faith intact, and resist the enemy's attempts to discredit your path in life. Tune in for these enlightening discussions.

Courtney Green, founder and executive director of Love Hills, a nonprofit organization, invites you to their event to help seven families facing impossible hardships. December 2nd at 7 pm is your opportunity to be a part of this blessing.

Exposed Life Change Ministries located in Central VA. For more information: www.elcmhopecommunitycenter.org

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Speaker 1:

we are here and we are ready to do it again. If you don't know who we are, we are your host. I am Catherine and I am Michael, and we are so glad to be with you today. Amen. Another day that God has given us, a day given and not promised Hallelujah diamonds, we love you and we hope that you love us back. Amen. How are you today? I'm very good and I like what you just said.

Speaker 2:

Another day given but never promised. We got to come to the reality that that's what it is. We're on this earth. We're on this earth, but at the same time, we got to realize that this is a temporary place. At the end of the day, if you think back to the very first season in Ecclesiastes 3, it's a time for purpose, for everything. It's a time to live and a time to die. And we got to realize that, hey, it's going to be a time that I have to leave my physical body and go home to my spiritual place. But the question is, is that spiritual place with Jesus or is it the other way? And that's the choice that we have is by the living that we do while we're here on this earth. If you do things right, you're going to make it to heaven. If you be rebellious against the things that God tells you to do, what do you think you will end up?

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, that's definitely. The reality is that when you are living and walking in the spirit, then you can do the deeds of the spirit. And so we just recently talked about the fact that who you are with is going to show in your life, whether you're with say no or with Jesus. It's going to show for us. But we didn't jump in already y'all. But y'all know what we got to do before we even continue any further, and we also have a surprise for everyone. But first we're going to pray.

Speaker 2:

Let's pray, heavenly Father, our Lord and our Savior, jesus Christ, we just come to you right now just to thank you for just being the guy that you are in our lives. We pray in the name of Jesus that we get into this podcast, that it'll be as you have it, ordered by your steps and your grace. We pray in the name of Jesus, counseling any assignment of the enemy that will be sent back into the picture where it came from. We pray in the name of Jesus for the ones that have no desire to know who you are, that you would just touch them right now, from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet, that a change, a transformation in their heart would take place. We pray also in the name of Jesus for the ones that don't know how to pray for you. We're interceding them right now, for them, as we sit and pray, we pray in the name of Jesus that the touch that they need will come forth. We also pray for the ones that know who you are but have backslidden and fall short. We pray in the name of Jesus that you will lift them up with your word and edify them into the glory of Jesus Christ. We pray in the name of Jesus that you would just have your way. We also pray and beg your forgiveness for anything we might have said, done or thought that's not pleasing your sight. Let your gracious forgiveness and cast your back into the picture of where it came from. These things and all things. We ask all of you, this mighty and maximum name. We do pray, we say thank you and we say amen, amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen, hallelujah, that was a mouthful prayer, amen. So we have been in the season of revival. If you've been with us any length of time, this is third season is the revival, and we have been learning the fact that you know, when we're talking about revival, we're talking about like a new birth and you know what was dead coming to life, that's supposed to come back to life, and so today we'll be talking a lot about really more along the lines of self, I would say self-inflicted. We're going to talk a little bit about how the color of our skin can impact how people treat us, how people perceive us, and a big factor as to you know how we see ourselves. You know what I mean. Does that make sense, honey?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it makes very sense to me.

Speaker 1:

So today we have a guest with us to just kind of dig deeper into that, who has their own personal story in regard to what's going on and in regard to I'm messing my words up now. Hold on In regard to the subject at hand amen, come on somebody. So her name is Cassandra Mayo Amen. She is a author, also a speaker and a mentor. She's been doing that for over 30 years and you know she has led and leading, trained and training, coaching and coaching professional men and women towards career goals. So we want to ask her to say hello to the audience, or to our diamonds, hello.

Speaker 3:

Hello, hi there.

Speaker 1:

Hello, we are so glad to have you with us. How are you today?

Speaker 3:

I am doing great and it is a blessing for me to be with you and to open up this morning in prayer and to talk. And I'm honored to be amongst the diamonds, so when I hear the word diamond I think of pressure.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

You know we're not under pressure. We won't be a diamond, so it's a price to pay, but it's a beautiful price.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. You heard us talking about the. You know the top of your hand. But first we want you to give your own personal testimony. Share with us what you would like for us to know and understand about you before we go any further into the conversation.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, first of all, I wanted the diamonds to be aware that I grew up in the church. My grandfather was a minister and I like to always lead with that, because he said you bring up a child the way they should go and they won't depart from it. And as a result of all that I've been through and will continue to go through, I will always know where I can go back to. Or then it gets to a point where I don't go back. I stay with it. So I say that to say that's where I grew up and that has been my foundation. And because I grew up In the church, that certainly does not mean that I've not had a bunch of trials and tribulations, but when I had them, I always know where to come back to. So I Also grew up as an only child, and I say that to say that, being that you know people say what you were spoiled. I always said no, I wasn't. But when I got out into the real world, I realized that I was. I Things that occurred in my life as a, as a young child. When I got out in the real world, I was just. I guess I was naive for reasons in regards to how my color of my skin would resonate, or not even resonate, with certain people as I got out into the working world. So I, in other words, I had a rude, rude, rude awakening.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. I Guess that just leads us right in. I mean, how would you say that the color of your skin is played into who you are now?

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, I I'm recalling when I got out of college the first place I got out was interviewed and I started. I was accepted and I offer To one of the major three ten car business industries. I started working for Chrysler credit corporation and In order for me to work in that capacity, the whole deal was I had to relocate, and I'm originally from Virginia but I had to relocate to Birmingham, alabama. I Was very skittish about it, but yet I was young and I felt that I could do anything you know, so I was skittish about it. Because of segregation in Alabama, you know new of the the children, the bombing in the church, the racism and Birmingham, and particularly so I was Like I said I was, I was just skittish about it and I do recall While working there I had to find a place to live and this is probably my first Indicator that this is really going to be the real world. This is going to be a world that I am not accustomed to, and while looking for a place to live, I Was. People were Staring me to places that I wouldn't even want my dog to live in and I just didn't like the Environment and the communities. So I remember I going to a place that I really, really liked and when I would go to these places they would always say they had nothing available after I fill out all my applications. So I went to the office one day and I told my boss you know that I was really struggling and finding a place to live where I was comfortable, because I knew they did not want me to stay in a hotel forever because they were paying for it. And the next day I received a call from a complex that said they had just gotten something available and I was so excited. I was like, oh my gosh, I'm gonna be my, have my first apartment and I want to live by myself. And To go there and and refill out another application to find out that not only did they have a place available but the entire back of the community was vacant. And I knew then that it's because of that phone call my boss had made that had opened the way for me to get a place to live. So that was my first welcoming To the real world, although you know I didn't harp on it, but I recognized it and that was my my first indicated that the color my skin, in other words they redlined it. You know that my color could not live in that community but by the grace of God, that's where I, that's where I resided.

Speaker 1:

Hey, man, I know that now that's a story because we hear about it. But you know, you hear about it in the history books and you see it on TV. But to hear it Live and in person, um, it's a powerful thing. And you know the fact that you still shine. You know what I mean. Yeah, it's a diamond. You still shine, even though your face Adversity and opposition, even in just finding a place to live. You know what I mean. It's powerful because you know a whole lot of folks. They let Things like that hold them back and they they allow their identity to come from people. And you know, diamonds, your identity is not wrapped up in people or what they think. It is wrapped up in who Jesus has called you to be. This woman, she, this, she's a woman number one, she's a woman and she's an African-American woman. She's done, done a whole lot of firsts that a whole lot of little girls have been told they'll never do. Jesus Come on somebody. And so you know, definitely, let that encourage you, young ladies and men and young boys, y'all. Just let that encourage you that if you have God, you have everything that you need. Your relationship with him, would you say that played a part. The relationship.

Speaker 3:

Amen, amen. I remember my, my parents, you know, when I went to school and, as I indicated, I was an only only child and my mom said I always remember. She said I just put you in the hands of the Lord, that I cannot. I think my, my dad said that when they dropped me off at college. My mom just cried and my dad says well, do you want me to go get her? You know, just not wanting me to go. And then the fact that I was going to relocate Miles away where I couldn't just come home over the weekend. So so when my mom said that she says I just put you in the hands of the Lord, because I, I can't be with you. I have to let you go and give you to him, give you to him. And that's what she did. Yeah, I know that experience. We just, we just did that with our middle child.

Speaker 1:

She just went to college and I just cried and cried and cried. But I know she's in the hands of the Lord, she's gonna be all right. She's gonna be all right because I got her. Yeah, I trust, I trust the Lord that he's gonna do what he said he would do, hallelujah. So I think Michael has a question. You got a question.

Speaker 2:

Actually, it's not a question, it's actually a comment To all of our listeners, as well as you, cassandra. You know, as I was sitting here listening, you know there's a saying that we all have a different message, but we're all speaking the same language and you know that's something that that further indicates that we are Created by a guy the diamonds that he had created because, if you think back to the story of when Jesus was being born, they didn't have a place to stay. They, they, they gave them, they told them you know, stay this place. Benign. Got there, they said, didn't have no room. That lets me know that we are all Speaking the same language, that God Left an example for us through Jesus, and that lets us know that, look, we can no longer Say that Jesus is this color and Jesus is that color, and Jesus is this color because we all made in his image. So we are all made in his image. We should all had the same language and go through the same Things to a certain degree. That he went through, that's good, and you know that makes me think. You know why are we always Saying you know, we we allowing different races, and this is a touchy subject. So I'm trying to be careful with what I say because I don't want to offend nobody, but why are we so keen On letting people Tell us that what we can't do because the color of our skin? Because, true, we do, we sit back and we go places and just because we don't have the right skin tone, we can't do certain things. But if things came in our path, it had to be orchestrated and ordained by God to do them.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen Wow.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's a deep thought, because I remember times when I went places and they tell me that I can't and it wasn't, I don't think it was, it probably was because of my skin tone. But you go to places and they say that you can't do this job because you're too overqualified.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you know, would you say, because I'm looking, listening to everything that Michael said and looking at your biography and you said, you said, you said after experiencing a career of success and fulfillment yes, you said but also one of self-neglect, self-sabotaging and doing the latter part of your career. You said imposter syndrome and burnout. Can you speak to that and how it relates to the topic at hand?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, also, you know, as your husband indicated, about Jesus, there was no room. There were times when I can say I was used, I was a pawn, because that's when you know we started having legislation to say that we cannot no longer segregate in certain areas, particularly corporate America. You know people were saying oh yeah, well, we have opportunities for them. And so this kind of reminds me of another opportunity that I had, and I was the. Now this is when I was interviewed for a general manager job at a Marriott Courtyard hotel and during the interview the interview was fine I was somewhat surprised that I was going to be interviewed because I didn't have any general manager or hotel experience. I had management experience, but not at a hotel. So during the course of that I got a call from the human resources manager. I'll never forget it. It was like a 10 pm one night, on a Sunday night, and I was just taken aback because I just felt that that time was not an appropriate time. I just wouldn't think that somebody would call me from corporate at that late at night. But anyway, he called to offer me the job as general manager and I was like oh wow, I was so shocked, I was just surprised and but I said, yeah, you know what do I do? What's the next step? I was so excited Like, oh my gosh, I'm going to run a hotel. This is unbelievable, Thank you, Jesus. And then he said thank you so much, I met my quota. And he when he hung up. You know I was naive. Now I thought about that and I was like he met his quota. Hmm, interesting. What do I do with that? So, anyway, I like I said I was naive I went on and I took the job. I did very well in the job, but I never really forgot what he said. And today, of course, I've not forgotten it. And when I talk about self-sabotage or imposter syndrome, you know the guests in the hotel that were upset always wanted to either see Mr Marriott or they wanted to see the general manager, and more than likely the general manager will be the first one they would see. And when I would come out of my office or come from somewhere in the hotel and I would approach them, they would look at me like, oh my gosh. I mean, they literally watched me and looked at me. And I remember one day they said now I understand why the hotel is not run efficiently or effectively. And those comments like that over time and just the way that people that the color of my skin made a judgment call. That started me on this what I call imposter syndrome. Well, maybe I'm not good enough or maybe I can't do this job, you know. So I would always think, and little but most of me. All of that got me closer to the Lord because of how I was approached, how I was dealt with, how people felt about me, you know. But thank God, I did a phenomenal job and it's only by his grace and mercy that I did a great job and because of that my hotel became. Once I transferred to a different hotel, it became the flagship hotel where everybody would come to be trained or want to have a tour or things of that nature. So I just think my over my life experiences caused me to have imposter syndrome, or I had self-imposed barriers, because things that happened in my experience made me think, well, maybe I'm not good enough, you know, and I kept coming and coming and experiences just kept happening like that. And then I had to get my carriage from God. I had to. He told me who I was. I was a chist child. I could do all things through him. That strengthened me. So those words just helped me and strengthened me through my journey that I continue to be on. So, that's where I think you know a lot of this thing originated. And then you know another thing I worked so hard to prove that I could do it, and it sometimes got to a point where I was just burned out and had to just, you know, give it to God. So that's when those barriers started coming in, because of how people saw me and me trying to prove that I could do this and I could do that. So that's the space from my experiences that caused those self-imposed barriers to occur.

Speaker 1:

Right, Right man. So you know, we can definitely attest that. You know that while we call it self-neglect or self-sabotage and all, we call it all of that valid words, because we really do do it to ourself, but at all at the same time, what did Jesus do? They thought that they took his life. But he gave his life. You know it became but boils down to you, know you deciding whether or not you're going to go forth and taking those things that look like was hurting you and change that perspective and see it as helping you. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean, honey.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean because that's what we really have to do. We have got to and your life proves it that you know what looks like, what it appears to be, what it looks like they're trying to do to you, trying to hurt you, and all of that. He says bless it. He said you're a bless when they persecute you. You know when they do this and they say that and all about you looking at you crazy. It's like, yeah, you sit back and you reevaluate yourself, but all, at the same time, Jesus and his wisdom is shaping us for the call and all of that is required. It's like you know the looks, the stares, the conversations, people talking about you. It's like it becomes what the Lord uses to shape us into the strong, efficient men and women that we are in him. You know what I mean. I had somebody actually just said this about me yesterday. They said that they said Pastor Catherine, she's just short of arrogant and because I run, I run myself, primarily myself, but my husband and I, we have a Facebook live that we do every day, called learning to live in truth, and in it we're teaching, or giving revelation, what God says to us, book by book and verse by verse of the Bible. And as time has passed, I know that I've gotten stronger, but I know it's not because of my own efficiency, it's because of Jesus. And you know, I come out bold, as bold as Peter was. And he said that and while in that moment I just thought about it for a second, I say, was that good thing or bad thing? Then I said, then I thought about as he said, I said that's all, jesus, that's a good thing.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

He could say that folks to say that, but you got to make sure that your heart is in the right place, because if not, that's when all of those questions we have and all of those comments that they have, that's when they really matter. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Anybody got a thought I would definitely say your spirit has to be definitely lined up with the spirit of Jesus when people talk to you, because you know some things that we say we might mean well when we say it but at the same time it can cut you at the same time If your heart ain't right.

Speaker 1:

I feel like if your intentions are wrong and your intentions are really not about Jesus, then when people say things like that and they do things like that, it'll offend you. You know what I mean. I wasn't offended at all. I thought it was a good thing. I was like, oh yeah, awesome. But that arrogance is not in myself, it is in Jesus, because I know who he is, I have a relationship with him, I trust him and so when I go forth, I walk like that, I walk like I trust him, I talk like I trust him. You know what I mean. You know, because I wanted to ever be about me, ever, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And you know, and during that time, you know, I was growing and I was a babe in Christ and I was naive to what was said to me by the HR manager, that I met my quota, and I just thank God for that, because I went in there like it was my hotel and I ran it like it was my hotel. You know, we want to do everything in excellence and in order. And now if I went in there with like you indicated, like with an attitude or boastful or whatever, like I dare him to say that to me. You know, what does he think? You know, and I didn't go in there with that, I just like well, okay, okay, I knew something was weird about it, but I just wasn't quite clear about it. But what I did know that I was just went in there like a babe in Christ and did the best I could and as a result of that, I had a great outcome.

Speaker 1:

That's right, and you know, and you know I say this to die to anybody is listen, diamonds. Look, it is okay for you to be confident and bold in what you're doing for Christ. It is okay because if, if you can't be confident about it, you can't be excited about it. Who else will? You know what I mean? It's like you have to set the standard. You have to, Because, if not, you're going to find your validation in people. You're going to find your validation in their response. You'll be waiting and hanging on every response, in every word that they say, in order to go forth. You know what I mean and I feel like that's a lot. It's a reason why a lot of people they, they stand back and they don't reach the full potential and will operate in the fullness that God desires for them, Because they're waiting on man. I'm waiting for this one to approve me. I'm waiting for that one to you know. Pat me on my back and say what we got it. You got to get beyond that. You know what I mean. You got to look at Jesus and see what he says about you. See what he says about your journey. See what he says that you are. See that he says greater is in you than he that is in this world and operate like that. Amen. I always say it's not enough to know it. It means more for us to actually do it than to just know. Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah All right. Amen to God be the glory.

Speaker 2:

So I have a question for you and this is you know for you to answer, and as well as our diamonds, such as to the thinking, ponder about where does your joy come from? And, if you notice, I did not say happiness.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate that question because my joy does come from with the Lord. For me, you know, happy is a happening, you know. So it's like, okay, I remember the day I got married, I was so happy. But you know, happiness it's like a momentarily thing. So I'd rather have, you know. People say, well, how do you define your success? I would say peace of mind that's how I define my and to have joy, because joy is just sustaining. No one gave it to me. The world didn't give it to me, you know. So that's why I love the word joy, because I know that happened, that happy is a happenstance, you know it's not, it's not going to last. I could get a new car and I'm so happy I got the car. But it's kind of like, you know, embrace your journey, not the destination. Because if we can embrace the journey and what God is doing in the journey, we grow in it, we learn from it. But time we get to that destination, it's time you get that car, the time you get that house, the time you get that child. You know, the time you've been what you've been waiting on. It's always going to be a next, you know. So if you can get your joy from the Lord. Then you got something there, and so you have to get to know Him and embrace the relationship, get into the word and have a relationship with God. And people say, well, how do you get that? You get it just like you have a relationship with your friends, you spend time with them and you spend quality time with them, and I would definitely make that a priority because that's key. You can read a word and I'll give this example. I remember going through this trial and I was just distraught and I remember me crying. I got depressed and then I said God, you know, have you ever been depressed? You know, have you ever cried? Have you ever? You know, I was questioning Him and I have questioned God on numerous occasions. And I remember the next morning I was reading a scripture and I read the scripture Well, god Jesus went to his father and asked three times to take that cup and doing those three times, he was in anguish and really wanted that cup to pass him. But God said then he said not, thou will not my will, but thou will be done. So I just, you know, say that to say that you will get your answers. I always say the Bible's basic instructions before leaving this earth. You will. You will if you trust Him, if you're open to Him, he will answer you and His timing and all things do work together for good for those who love Him, according to His purpose. So that's where I get my joy from, and it took a long time for me to figure that thing out, you know, because I wanted, like I said, you wanted cars, you wanted this, you wanted that, but that's just a temporary thing and that's not going to last Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So we are coming down to the final moments of the broadcast, or for the final minutes of the show, and Michael and I we kind of got the same question here when you speak to is your way in your way? Am I saying it right? Is your way in your way? What is that all about?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's the title of my book. It has taken me 14 years to write this book. You know how we have dreams and we want to do this. Sometimes we know we need to get out of relationship, we may need to leave a church, we need to ask for forgiveness, we have to do this, but yet we get stuck. For me, it was this book and I was stuck in it. I just could not seem to get moving on this book. I was just so confused and I know confusion is not of God and it was bothering me that I was not able to. But yet it got to a point where I couldn't let it go. Throughout the years it just stayed in my spirit. So I realized that throughout these years I was in my way. I was in my way because I was concerned that I had a fear about it. I didn't want to be exposed, I didn't want people to know my story. I was comparing myself to everybody. I was insecure, I was burnout, I had mental and physical not abuse, but just mentally and physically. I was just going through a whole lot of things. Then I realized God said if you get out of your way and let me in, I will write this book. You don't have to do anything, you don't need to worry about what other people think, because the book is for me. You're giving me the glory and in that book I definitely gave God all the glory. In every chapter that book is consisted of letters written to women. Dear women, welcome to the real world. Dear women who compare yourself, dear women with low self-esteem, dear women who experience a physical and mental illnesses, dear women that have lost a loved one. So I go through scenarios as we go through these trials and these tribulations and then at the last chapter I talk about dear women who are in a good place, because you may not be where you want to be, but you won't be where you were. And I just go through that. I started off with the scripture, I ended with the scriptures and talk about what God says about each of those self-imposed barriers. So that's the genesis of that book and by the grace of God, I was able to finish the book. The book has done really well Because I know, if I get somebody to tell me and write me, who doesn't know me, to say this book changed my life, I say glory, be to God. So that's why I say it was so difficult for me to write that book Because I know that the enemy did not want me to put pen to paper. So I got out of my way and there it is. Is your way, in your way.

Speaker 1:

Man all right now.

Speaker 2:

Is that the only book you have written?

Speaker 3:

It is so far. Yes, I just published that book a year Are you about a year ago? Because it's actually I call it a self-discovery guide for women on how to restore yourself, learn from your experience and find your true self again. And I am praying about do I write another book and it's also on Audible as well.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. So how can they get the book? They?

Speaker 3:

can get the book on Amazon or go to my website, wwwsandrocrawleycom, and they could get the book there. So on all platforms with books for soul Amen.

Speaker 1:

Well, all right, so you go by mail or crawl.

Speaker 3:

I go by Cassandra Crawley mail because Crawley is my maiden name and more people know me by Cassandra Crawley. I just felt led to use my entire maiden name as well, because they would not really know me by Cassandra mail All right, ok, awesome.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's been a pleasure, my dear Been an absolute pleasure.

Speaker 3:

Same here.

Speaker 1:

We sure do appreciate you being here. I am going to try to get ahold to this book myself. Amen, because it's powerful, it's powerful, it is your way, in your way, michael did you have a comment before we get? Ready to go. Did you have a comment to her, for her, for the audience, anything else before we get ready to pray out?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just had one question about the book. Why was it so important to highlight if you're to women, why, if you lose a loved one, the reason that I highlighted that?

Speaker 3:

because I know too many people who have lost a loved one and have not taken care of their business and homes have been broken up as a result of it. You need to take care, particularly if you have assets. I just kind of talked about that and I felt God was like we're going anyway. That's a fact, we're all going, so when we do go, we need to take care of our business. We need to have a power of attorney. We need to know who's going to get what. When is this going to happen? Because it's just too many families being broken up as a result of it.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. Amen, Did you have anything else? Well, I, just as you were explaining, getting out of the way. It is your way, in your way. I, just when you was explaining it, one of the things you said at fear. You said something about fear and now we all want to coverage every diamond here. Don't allow fear to get in your way, because fear does not come from God. He says to us that I did not give you the spirit of fear, he said. But I've given you power, he said. I've given you love, I've given you self-control. Amen, he's giving you that and that comes from him. So when fear creeps in, let your faith override the fear.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Hallelujah. You know, we always say fear is a real thing and so is faith. You got to decide which one is going to lead you, hallelujah. So let's pray. Father, we thank you so much. Thank you, god, so much for this day and thank you, god, for what it's been. We thank you so much for Ms Cassandra, god. We pray that you would just continue to bless her ministry, continue to bless her marriage and her family. God, touch everything and everybody that is connected to her. We pray, god, that you would give her an answer to the question of the next book. God, I pray, lord, that you would just have your way. We pray the blessings of the Lord. Be upon every diamond here. We pray, god, that you would just continue to lead, guide and order our steps. We bless your name and we say thank you. We pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We do pray, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And amen. Ms Cassandra, did you have a final word before Michael gives a final word?

Speaker 3:

No, I just, you know, I just want to talk about how important it is to build effective relationships, you know, because we can't do anything alone. And I just, you know, just want to say just to be careful, don't burn your bridges, because you may need to go over them again. And I just think relationships are critical and a lot of people think that they could do everything on their own, and they can't. That's why we're all here to help each other out.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, amen, amen. Did you tell us that you had a podcast? I do. What's the name of your podcast?

Speaker 3:

It is your way and your way.

Speaker 1:

It is your way, and your way, that's your podcast.

Speaker 3:

All right, y'all, that's my podcast.

Speaker 1:

Ok, it is your way, all right. So that's the name of the book and also the podcast. So make sure to check out the podcast, because I am as well. Amen. Thank you Y'all do check it out as well. All right, I think we're done. So, michael, what's the word?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I got a word before I give the word.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Diamonds, do not allow or let the enemy discredit your walk. That's, that's my word, you know, because he always trying to discredit who we are. Don't allow him, and y'all already know. And to next time, remember you are a diamond in the rough.

Speaker 1:
