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Dec. 16, 2023

#72 S3 EP 33 Deana Gaccione's Love, Hope, and Strength - A Tale of Special Needs Parenting

Have you ever wondered how a caregiver navigates through the labyrinth of special needs? On a personal note, let me tell you, it's no easy journey. Yet, it comes with its own silver linings. Deana Gaccione, mother to a vibrant, special needs daughter, joined us for a heart-to-heart, painting a vivid picture of the tribulations and triumphs she's experienced. From the moment of her daughter's birth, the challenge of securing an accurate diagnosis, to the determination to reject limitations imposed by a prognosis, Dina's journey has been an enriching testament to strength, resilience, and faith.

Have you ever wondered how a caregiver navigates through the labyrinth of special needs? On a personal note, let me tell you, it's no easy journey. Yet, it comes with its own silver linings. Deana Gaccione, mother to a vibrant, special needs daughter, joined us for a heart-to-heart, painting a vivid picture of the tribulations and triumphs she's experienced. From the moment of her daughter's birth, the challenge of securing an accurate diagnosis, to the determination to reject limitations imposed by a prognosis, Dina's journey has been an enriching testament to strength, resilience, and faith.

Deana's inspiring narrative takes us beyond the struggles, and into the unexpected blessings that have emerged from her unique parenting journey. Her story is a testament to the power of focusing on the potential and positivity in every situation. Deana's steadfast pursuit of the best therapies for her daughter led her to a promising new technology that activates stem cells - a beacon of hope in their journey. Yet, one of the most touching aspects of Deana's narrative is her daughter's story of forgiveness and resilience - a beautiful testament to her spirit and strength.

As we bid farewell to this enlightening conversation, we pause to reflect on the transformative power of faith, hope, and love manifested in Deana's life. Her unwavering faith in the face of adversity has brought unexpected blessings into her life and serves as a beacon of hope for others navigating similar journeys. As we wrap up, we leave you with this nugget of wisdom – the importance of commitment. For, as Deana's inspiring journey has shown, it is our dedication and perseverance that shape our lives. Remember, you are a diamond in the rough, capable of achieving remarkable things. Have a blessed and prosperous week.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello and welcome back, god's diamonds in the rough. Amen. We are so glad to be back with you one more time. Thank you so much for joining us yet another week. I pray it is always our prayer here that things are going well for you. We are praying that you know today has been a good day, amen. My husband is not here. We all know Michael is typically here with me when we are here before you, but he has to work, has to take care of the family, and so you have me and those of you who are watching by video. We have a guest with us and her name is Dina. Got you on that?

Speaker 2:

I say that was great, I like that better. I'm messing up. That's a new one. I love it.

Speaker 1:

I was just trying to pretend like I could say it, so that's what rolled off my tongue.

Speaker 2:

Really, really like that. I'm going to say, from now on, all right.

Speaker 1:

Well, anyway, please say hello to everyone before we go into prayer. Hello everyone All right, I didn't tow up her name. Y'all, she's going to tell y'all correctly after we pray, but y'all, let's get it in five. We thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you so much for allowing us to come before your people one more time. I just pray, lord, that this will be all that you desire to be. Bless every listener, bless every heart. We thank you so much and we bless your name. In Jesus Christ's name, we do pray. Amen, amen and amen. Okay, misty, tell us who you are. I didn't mess your name up and all, so you correct your name.

Speaker 2:

All right. Well, I'm really going to consider going with the way you said it, but it is typically pronounced got you own, got you own.

Speaker 1:

No, hey, I got you. I got you. So tell us a little bit about yourself before we get into the topic.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, I live in Arizona with my daughter, 16 year old, jalen. I do have two older daughters, and they're on their own. I've lived in Arizona for 40 years now. I'm an entrepreneur and I've been a caregiver for a very long time now for the last 16 years with my daughter since she was born. Prior to that, my husband suffered a disability, and prior to that, I took care of his parents, and so I had not anticipated that this would be what I would do in life, but God had a plan Right.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, this is this is great Right, so I was giving her a say. So it seems like that's your full time job, huh, taking care of people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and it's okay because he only, he only gives us what he graces us to do. Well, you know, in his string. And so I give God all the credit for for being able to do what I do and you know, there've been a lot of blessings along the way and he's in the times and the hard times, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So, so, without topping hope for special families, what, what exactly does that mean to you?

Speaker 2:

Okay, Well, I had two children that were born typical and I had no idea that there were any issues with my third pregnancy, although I was considered high risk because I had her in my 40s, early 40s. But it's very healthy and it always been into health and nutrition and I wasn't at all worried about it. So when she was born with issues, right from the beginning, it just it was. It was all new to me, it was a surprise. I I felt from the beginning there must be something we can do. You know, we'll just get this figured out, we'll figure out what we need to do to to get things turned around. And so that began our journey 16 years ago with my daughter, jalen. And so it did not get better, it got harder, it got worse, and all these difficulties began to manifest early on. She she was not able to eat Okay, that's pretty much all babies do and if they can't do that, you've got major issues in the beginning. And she just was not fully formed with her musculature in her mouth and her johns. And so you know, right from the get go, it was a battle to keep this baby alive and to help her drive, and so they started sending us to specialists, you know, right from the beginning, trying to figure out what was going on. And so for a couple of years I just did everything they said. I went to every specialist and there was another one. It was another one. We're never coming up with anything, and God's giving me the grace to care for this child and I still felt that it was going to be okay Things you know. She would get there, she was just going to take a little longer. Nobody gave me any diagnosis or any possibilities for diagnosis. I was just, you know, doing what they told me to do and raising my daughter. And then, when she was about two, two and a half, we did some genetics testing and still they found nothing. But after, you know, exhausting everything I remember the neurologist coming in and saying Well, we can't, we cannot find a diagnosis for her, so we're just going to put a global developmental delay. And you know what did that mean to me? I'm like, okay, and he this is what he said to me she's mentally retarded, She'll never be able to learn and there's nothing that you can do to change that. And I remember being in that office when he said that and I felt like my head exploded. I had never considered that, not for seven. And I said you know, there are all these therapies, because I had already started on all these therapies when she's 20 months old. She was in therapies and I was doing everything I found. And he said it's not going to make any difference, just take her home and love her. And I remember I couldn't eat. And then he left the office because he knew, you know, I just couldn't even speak and I and she was in the stroller right there. I just I don't even know how long I was in the office before I could leave. You know, have this make sense in my mind. And I left that office, I got in my car and by the time I got in my car I of course I was praying the whole time and I was just like you know, lord, help me. My, my mind had just kind of scattered and I remember just feeling very strongly that I did not have to accept that prognosis, you don't have to accept this prognosis, and and so I said okay. And so I told my husband and of course everybody wanted to know how did the genetic testing turn out, and all that, and I just I wasn't going to repeat that, I wasn't going to accept it. I wasn't going to repeat it. And so I didn't kind of went into a shell for a while. I just needed to get to a solid place for the Lord so that I could move forward and get direction from him. And I remember this being so overwhelmed with it all and and crying out to God and saying how, you know, how long are we? You know, when is it going to get better? I just felt things are going to get better, when is it going to get better? And I had this impression that we were going to go through this, this was going to be a long journey, and I just said, you know, lord, I don't feel like, I don't feel like I can do that. I don't know what I thought I would do, but I and he just very clearly impressed upon me that he'd be with me every step of the way. So there you go, you one day, you know, at a time put one foot in front of the other, and that was the beginning. And so therapies, you know, programs, doctors, both conventional and alternative, anything that I saw that was helping anybody, or anything that I heard of. We tried programs that I took her out of state for for different things. Whatever there was. I I was going to try anything I could do to help her. And it's kind of a difficult place because I was. I was trusting and believing and praying, you know, for improvement, and yet I was trying at the same time to accept and appreciate and enjoy where we were. And and yet working every day with her therapies, and it was just a challenging time. It has been for a long time. So for the years very little made a difference. I mean, we have all the therapies, we have OT speech, couple hours of each, you know different types of equine and music and all these things, and just not saying a lot. She wasn't talking at five, she wasn't potty trained at five and that was a big goal so that she could get into school, didn't know how things were going to go at school. They didn't go well. Then we schools and then to special needs schools and they didn't even work out and eventually ended up homeschooling. So as she grew it just got harder and harder because she was getting bigger but her development was staying very, very young and so if you could imagine having a teenage toddler, you know a child that can, is watching and can see things and wants to try everything but doesn't have the ability to regulate, doesn't have a sense of danger. And a therapist she had very severe ADHD. One therapist put it like this she said imagine driving a car going 100 miles an hour and having no breaks. She said that's what Jaylen's brain is like all the time. It helped me, you know, to understand where she was coming from, because pretty much all I could do was just follow her around and keep her from getting hurt and, you know, pick up after her, because constantly breaking things, spilling things, her coordination was that of a very small child. One time she got up in the middle of the night and this was just last year and got my keys and went out back to my car out of the garage, yeah, and she came in screaming. Yeah, I was just terrified. She came in screaming. I didn't know what was going on. I ran to the hall and the garage door was open and I saw car lights and she's running towards me crying and I, she's okay. So I run out there to see who's this car, what's going on. And it was my car and she had pulled it out of the garage. Thankfully she'd gotten the garage door open and the door was open. I got out of the car. It was in neutral. She had backed it out, probably gotten very scared, tried to put it in part, got it in neutral, jumped out of the car and ran out. But you know, when I thought about the possibilities and how I could have run her in the morning, you know it was terrifying. So as she was getting older, it was just getting harder. It was just getting harder. The behaviors she was very combative with me, very loving, very, very warm and affectionate with everybody. As a matter of fact, she had no sense of stranger danger and she would try to hug strangers everywhere we went in the stores, but she would never hug me. She would fight with me no matter what. If I said yes, she said no, and if I, you know whatever, that was sort of almost like a typical teenage thing, but different, very, very challenging. And so that's what we were towards the end of the year last year and I was beginning to, you know, wonder if things were ever going to improve or how and how I was going to manage this as she's getting older, Recently went through a divorce, my health had declined and, yeah, we were at a pretty low place towards the end of the year. So Do you have any questions? Because now I'm going to tell you what shifted.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I have a question, but I do have a question With everything to this point, as you have talked about it. How do you think that you've made it through? I mean, I chuckled as you were telling the story about her backing out the car. I mean, do you ever have those moments where you're just going through it and then you sit back after it's all over and just chuckle at it and it's like God, you know what I mean? Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Plenty of those. Plenty of those, because my thought is, and it always has been God, if you don't get us through, if you're not with us and you don't see us through, we're not getting through. You were the only way we're getting through this, and not only that. There were a lot of other things that were going on, with other sick people in the house and lots of other things. But God is so faithful and after walking with the Lord for so long, decades now, I don't have any fear of the future whatsoever. I mean, he has proven himself so faithful to me for so long that, no matter what comes, I know he's going to give me the grace for it. He always has and he always will. That's right, yeah, so that's how I get through it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so that whole statement. You know you laugh, keep from crying, and I bet you that was a big part of your life. Huh, you got that, you got that. I can only imagine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you know it, just that's encouraging, and I believe that's why God gave me that one type of hope for the special family, because, you know, even at the end of the day, when it seemed like don't nothing get any better, we can look at, look at the grace that gets us through it. Yeah anyhow, any thoughts.

Speaker 2:

That's the truth. That's the truth. I mean have to look back and we all know all my friends that are moms with kids. We all know there's no possible way, it's not humanly possible to do what we do. You know, at times we wouldn't be there, for God's grace, absolutely. And you know it's not all hard. It's very hard, but God makes sure that we have many, many blessings. It's free to go, then, all the way. That's just how we have so much to be thankful for so many blessings, and it's really a mindset we have to focus on what's good and even as hard, as it was with my daughter. I mean she has, she's just the most amazing child. She's so loving, so happy, so forgiving, because through the years she's been picked on a lot, put down a lot, ostracized and discounted wherever she's gone, really even in the special needs tool to it. It's just very challenging for these kids and even adults, you know, have not treated her well at times, but she just loves everybody and she forgives people. I remember somebody actually hurt her once, held her arm too tightly and left the bruise and that was almost a real serious issue with me. But I realized the lady was just trying to protect her and keep her from you know, getting away from her and but that hurt Jaylin's feelings. It was like one of the only times Jaylin came to me and had a sad look on her face and let me know that her feelings with her were hurt. So I told this woman who was watching out after me and she felt very badly and she went directly to Jaylin and she asked Jaylin to forgive her. She said she was so sorry and Jaylin just hugged her and loved her and she was happy and never gave it another thought. And even yeah, I've even had teachers say Jaylin has taught me so much about forgiveness and just the joy that she just exudes. I mean she, it's just amazing. It's such a mixed bag. When you've got these kids we just have to focus on the good. That's the key. Don't focus on what you're doing. Every hard stuff, even typical families, all typical family, every family has hard stuff. I had hard stuff before Jaylin. That's right. Right With my typical.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so finish your story. You said you asked me did I have any questions for you? Get to the next part. What's the next part?

Speaker 2:

Well, I do. Pretty amazing, yeah. So I've always been into health and nutrition because I I've been sick since I was in my early 20s, so I've been trying to, you know, help myself and get well. So my journey in nutrition and health started many years ago and so I was all prepared. When I had a child with issues, you know, at least we had the nutrition and health part down. And one thing I had done when my older girls were born, I had banked their cord blood and I don't know if you're familiar with that. So the cord blood is where all the stem cells are. And back when I was having my kids, 25 years ago, you could bank the cord blood and send it to a storage facility and then you pay yearly for the storage and if you ever need stem cells for your kids, they're there for you and I thought, well, that that'd be something to have. So I did that when I had my kids. So in December last year, coming up on a year, we were probably at the low. I was probably at the lowest, my lowest point, and I just didn't see a way forward, you know, in many, in many different areas, with health and finances and with Jalen and just wasn't sure where we were going. I knew God wouldn't fail me, but I didn't see what he had planned and you know it was a challenging time. About that time I got a message from an old friend I hadn't seen him probably 15 years from one of my kids Um, something about this new technology that activates your stem cells. And I thought, well, I got my attention because stem cells would. And I thought, well, that's how come I haven't seen them? You know, I try to stay on top of those things. So I just I, I instantly just Googled it. Quite a research. And the first thing that came up was a mother on YouTube talking about her special needs he named son, who was nonverbal, autism, how she had taken them out of the country for stem cell therapy every six months, costing her $30,000 each time. She hadn't seen it. I know she said I was determined to do it because I didn't know what else could possibly help them, but we weren't seeing any results. And somebody with her and she said it was in a matter of weeks this nonverbal child had started speaking and she started naming all the things that this kid was doing, and only a special needs parent would appreciate this. He was swinging on a swing. Well, that's something a lot of kids can't do, people don't understand, unless you have a special needs child with those issues. And she started naming all these things and I just thought okay, and I checked it out. It was noninvasive, it was just something you wear and it was affordable and I'm like, all right, we'll try it. And so I ordered it, and myself as well, and I thought, well, but mainly I got it from my daughter to started watching, just started watching, it was like January 1st, just started watching for any changes. And so she's homeschooled and I have a tutor who comes in twice a week and on those days I have to give her some medication to help her focus. So I just give it as needed. But we definitely need it on those days and I remember she had been on this technology for about three weeks and it was tutoring day and I went to find her and I had her, her medication, in my hand and normally I'm going to find her outside, not dressed, all dirty hair, not done, you know, and then we're going to find about getting in the house and getting dressed and getting your hair done. We have a profit out yet. I was ready for that, but instead I found her sitting at the kitchen table with her books all spread out. She had made herself a drink, she had made herself a snack and she was quietly sitting there reading a book. And not one of those things had ever, ever happened. Not one ever had ever happened. But here's something that I can tell you. Since she was born, her body shakes. Her body just twitches and moves. She never, ever, is still ever. Even during sleep, her body twitches. Well, when I saw her sitting at the table, I just stopped in my tracks and I looked at her and she was perfectly calm and her body was not moving at all and I just went whoa, okay. So I knew wow, all right, so I'm not going to. I said to myself I'm not going to give her her medication today. I'm not going to say anything to the tutor. This is going to be a good test, right? I'll see what he says. So they had their session. It's a three hour session. They finish, he gets down to the gate and he texts me and he says amazing day with Jaylin, excellent focus, very cooperative, and he just went on and he had never sent me feedback before I know. So a couple days later he comes back and I'm like, hey, jaylin didn't have her medication on Tuesday. And he goes what do you mean? You know what's going on, so I told him about this and he goes. I want to do another math test today. Well, prior to that, the best she had ever done was 51 out of a hundred. This day, she did a hundred out of a hundred.

Speaker 1:

Look at God. I don't know that's right, won't he do it? You better talk about it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I know that's right. Oh, my gosh. Well, it just gets better and better. This was like in February now, and he did another, another big assessment. He had done one in January. She had scored at a kindergarten level. Five weeks after starting the technology, he did another big one. She scored at third grade level. Okay, actually, he told me upper, third grade, lower, fourth grade, I know. And she, she was now learning things she couldn't learn before. So she, she was now starting fractions and and division, whereas prior to that she could barely add. And we, you know she's always been in a lot of extracurricular activities, but I got her in some more that she couldn't do before she started taking piano lessons. She, he started ballet in a typical class and teacher says she's doing great. Well, I just have to tell you today, today the tutor gave me a report. Last week he did another assessment and today we finally got to talk about it and this is so great I get to share it with you, but this I still haven't processed. This. Okay, listen to what he said. And she's been on this now for about eight or nine months. So he tells me that this, he says this is spooky. And I go what do you? What do you mean? He goes. This isn't supposed to happen and I'm like what? And he goes. So he's got a masters in like child development and psychology Educate. He's really smart guy. He says that executive function is determined at birth and doesn't change. So what they can learn is what they can learn, he said last time they did this, four or five months ago, jalen didn't register At the 16, he had to put in her birth date, so it was 16 and she couldn't. She couldn't answer any questions or do anything, so that thing registered. When he redid it last week, he said several of the items are registering normal on a 16 year old law. It's shocking. And he said he said the two most important things. He said verbal reasoning and processing speed. So her brain is working in ways that you know I could have, I could have never imagined. And so, anyway, this whole year our whole lives have changed. I have gotten healthy as well. You know my issues have resolved and anyway, that's what's going on. I love it.

Speaker 1:

You know right.

Speaker 2:

I did more than you could ever ask or think right, come on exceedingly. This is more than I ever met.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, that is an awesome praise report and I'm so glad I got to hear it. Yes, oh, we got to hear it Diamonds that is a blessing and a half that God allowed us to be a part of this blessing. It's awesome. I am so excited for Jalen, I'm excited for you. I'm excited for everybody that's attached to you. Amen, thank you so much. God is going to do some things. Hallelujah, he will do it.

Speaker 2:

He got plans he does for her. I know it, I know it's so great, yeah, she got a story. It's a story and I want to tell you that naturally, we have a lot of friends that are in the same situation, different diagnoses, but there are a lot of kids with issues now, lots of kids, and so our circle of friends, all the kids, are on them and they're all having the same results and basically, what it's doing is it's activating their own body stem cells and stem cells God gives us to repair and regenerate. And so that's why I want to share the story, because prior to this, there wasn't a lot of hope out there. The more medication, more therapies, not a lot of hope. He gave me the prognosis, which I refuse to accept. Thankfully, I didn't accept that and anyway, there's hope. People.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's this, oh man, this is powerful Because I'll tell you why it's powerful for me Because so many times we wonder why it seems like God is holding back, seems like we're the victim, it seems like what did I do wrong? We have this woe is me mentality and we get down in the dumps and, whatever the situation may be, we allow it to determine the results. And this is powerful to me because you are faithful. And if people would just simply be faithful with a mind that says I am with you. He said fear not, for I am with you no matter what you're going through. He said don't be afraid, I'm right there. And in the moments, the scene, like the moments that are the quietest, quietest and the darkest, because you said y'all was at the lowest of the lowest. I mean, you was at the worst point that you could be in, I mean, and you've been dealing with this all of her life and, I'm sure, with your own issues, before Jaylin even came into the picture, you had been dealing with some major things and they got the worst that it could get, and then just all of a sudden, he just turned around, like you was at the back of the line. It was like you was at the back of the line and he turned around and made you the first in line, and that is awesome, because that just lets us know that we are not forgotten by him. That's right.

Speaker 2:

That is so true. That is so true. Suddenly, it was just suddenly, and that's how the answers can come. Also, in my experience, it's always darkest Before the dawn and in my life, when things have gotten that bad every single time, that's when the breakthrough was coming. It was right around the corner. And I do want to encourage parents. I had my moments. I had my woe is me moments and I did. But I had, and God understands that I have my moments with him and I complained and didn't understand why and how come it's taken so long and I can't do this anymore and why all this. I had that. But then I would say, ok, god, help me to get back, and I would just determine I'm getting back with the right mindset Because I knew in my heart of hearts that if I didn't hold on, if I didn't have faith and if I didn't trust and hold on to God, then I knew that doctor was going to be right. So you can fall off. Just get back up. That's right. Just get back up and just start over again, no matter where you are, just get back up and trust God and where he knows, he knows what the future holds and he's got all the great stuff that we need for whatever we're going to go through, it's waiting for us. Don't have any fear about the future and, if I can say anything, try to enjoy your kids now. Try to enjoy them even though they're not, even though it's very, very hard and they're being very challenging and disrespectful and disobedient. Find what there is to love and be appreciative of. They need that. They have a lot working against them. Everything's working against these kids. It's hard, everybody knows, and it's going to be hard for them in life, and this is what we need to instill in them Love and value, and they're appreciated and they're a blessing to us. Keep speaking those things out to your children.

Speaker 1:

Amen, yes, love it. This is just, oh, man, and I have to share this with you. And because you can, you get it. My stepdaughter she has. They say that she has intellectual disabilities as well and some other things going on. But today is our birthday and my husband and I we decided we had decided God had put it in my spirit to just surprise her at school, because she always wants to do things with her friends, but she's in special education and you know a lot of the parents don't want to do that type of thing. And so we said, okay, we'll take cupcakes and ice cream to the school, but she, of course, we're going to leave it like a surprise. And you know, I don't care who you are, I'm telling you, god honors faithfulness. I have always tried to just be a mother to her Tried, but today was the first time I actually felt like her mother. Oh, you know what I'm saying Because you know you try to be everything that your kids need, to need you to be. But today was the first time. It was just like I could feel God in that moment just bringing something together that had began in the beginning. What do I mean? What do I mean Like when a mother has a child. It's a bond there that it's undividable, no matter how long, no matter what happens, it's Undividable and therefore you know when you're dealing with a child who has disabilities in the child, who you know, it's not like everybody else, quote-unquote you being there. God honors that. God honors course he understands it, ain't it's not an easy thing, but he honors your faithfulness.

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh, he does, and I just suspect that that meant so much to your daughter today, mm-hmm, and think what you felt is what she was feeling.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure it was. I can't really explain it was it was, it was very good. It was very, very, a very good thing. Powerful, catherine, oh gosh, I'm happy for you too, because that was an awesome report, awesome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, wrapping my my mind around this thing today. He says this this doesn't happen. They're born with their executive function and it doesn't change. And yet he said this is spooky.

Speaker 1:

I, like I would have said this is God, this is absolutely a God move. He went on when everything, every bit of hope, is gone, when they decided they made the diagnosis and they've Counted you out and said, nope, ain't no way possible. Then that's what he does. What is impossible with?

Speaker 2:

What is impossible with?

Speaker 1:

me, it's possible with God.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but um, so, Dina, give us a final word. And Um, well, I'll give my final word and then you give your final word and, if you will, please pray for Everyone. My final word today is don't quit. I mean, her story is evidence and True. This is, if you just keep on holding, they that wait upon the Lord, he shall renew their strength and he'll give you wings so that you can mount up. He'll mount you up so that, look, you won't get tired and you won't get Uh faint, and while you're walking, he's gonna give you the strength, he's gonna give you everything you need to keep going. So don't quit. Yeah, that's that. Don't quit. That's my word.

Speaker 2:

I Totally agree with that. Yes, thank you and Catherine. Okay, if anybody would like more information about this Sure absolutely yeah, yeah please do share. All right, so all the information I have a website and I'm just trying to read reach the community, you know of kids out there. This is my heart right now to make sure that all the families are at least aware of this and can check it out for themselves. But my, my website is J vision, j A E Vision. So I don't know if you have anything, j vision dot com.

Speaker 1:

J vision, did y'all hear that. J J A E. Right, yes, j J A E V I S O W, that's correct, and I'm sending it across the bottom so that way you can check it out for yourself.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There we go. J vision com. This is where you can find out more about the stem sale Process and everything correct.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, you got anything else you want to share, anything social media, anything like that?

Speaker 1:

No, and just my website.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, all right. Yeah, I'm mom getting the word out and seeing amazing things with all the families around me and I Just I just wanted to spread far and wide to families because there's just so much, you know, there's just so much hope and it's just been heartbreaking to see so many kids with issues. It's like an epidemic. We all know kids or have kids and it's it's. I'm just, I couldn't feel more encouraged and blessed to have something that's actually helping after all these years. And you know it's. There's nothing. They're not drugs. There are no drugs. It's just working with your own body's heat. It's amazing, it's like it's just check it out. But, yeah, I'd love to pray. Pray for the families. Yes, that's okay. Yes, okay, all right. Well, father, I just thank you so much for this opportunity. Come on and to share with the diamonds, lord, with these families, lord, these beautiful souls, lord, that love you, that are trusting you and are following you to the best of their abilities. Lord, I just ask for extra measure of grace, father, for for all of these listeners, lord, and that you, holy Spirit, would guide them and help them in their decision-making, lead them in the way they should go and encourage their hearts. Encourage them now. In Jesus name. I pray amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. You know, I am so glad that I didn't reschedule anything. I'm so glad because I was like, oh man, I'm gonna be late. Yeah, maybe I should reschedule. I was like no, no, no, no, no. I need to go ahead and do it. I'm so glad this work, this was me too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thank you so much. It was so nice to meet you. I'd love to talk to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, please don't go anywhere. Stay right there, all right y'all. So y'all know what it is. Y'all know what Michael always says and what he always done does here, so y'all know I gotta do it for him. Y'all, please do remember that you are a Diamond in the rough. Have a blessed week and until next week we will see. Then be blessed and prosperous amen, amen.

Deana GaccioneProfile Photo

Deana Gaccione

Mom/Business Owner

Deana Gaccione is a 57 year old mother of 3. Her youngest daughter, 16 year old Jaelin was born with a rare genetic disorder causing significant developmental delays, severe ADHD, behavior issues, learning disabilities and seizures.
Never giving up hope that there was something that could help her daughter, Deana tried every doctor (both conventional and alternative), therapies, treatments, supplements and programs that she could find. She knows how hard it is to remain hopeful when there seems to be no hope.
However, at the beginning of this year, everything changed when an old friend sent her information about a new, wearable technology that brought her daughter from a kindergarten level to 4th grade in a matter of months.