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Dec. 23, 2023

#73 S3 EP 34 Spiritual Strength in Seasons of Change: The God Shift with Shayna Rattler

Ever felt overwhelmed, questioned your influence or found yourself at a crossroads? Shayna Rattler, founder of the God Shift Movement, joins us to discuss how these feelings are signs of a "God shift," a divine call that leads us to new paths. Together, we explore the power of recognizing and embracing these shifts. Leaving behind past successes can be daunting but Shayna shares her personal journey of trusting in divine guidance and encourages us to do the same. We wrap up with a heartfelt prayer, seeking God's direction and blessings as we navigate these life-altering shifts.

Ever felt overwhelmed, questioned your influence or found yourself at a crossroads? Shayna Rattler, founder of the God Shift Movement, joins us to discuss how these feelings are signs of a "God shift," a divine call that leads us to new paths. Together, we explore the power of recognizing and embracing these shifts. Leaving behind past successes can be daunting but Shayna shares her personal journey of trusting in divine guidance and encourages us to do the same. We wrap up with a heartfelt prayer, seeking God's direction and blessings as we navigate these life-altering shifts. 

The power of words is undeniable, and aligning them with our prayers can unlock our kingdom authority in unimaginable ways. We challenge the passive waiting for divine intervention and encourage you to take an active role using your authority. Additionally, we share experiences and advice on trusting in God's plan during the ever-changing seasons of life. Affirming our worth and standing against doubt can be a battle, and Shayna helps us face it head on. Our episode concludes with a powerful prayer for strength and courage, reminding us all that we are diamonds in the rough, fully prepared for whatever changes life brings our way.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, welcome back, god's diamonds in the rub. We are so glad to be back with you one more time. We hope all is well with you, amen, as we are here and ready to do it again. Amen. We are talking today about you know, always the power of God, amen, and how we are navigating through the seasons of life, amen, and just trying to really just see God. So today, if you're watching my camera, you'll see we have a guest with us. Her name is Shayna Rattler, amen, and, um, excuse me, y'all know it's unfilled. It's unfilled the type of thing, so you're liable to see all kinds of noises in the background. But anyhow, miss Shayna, can you please say hello to the audience?

Speaker 2:

Hello audience. I hope that your day is off to a fantastic day where, regardless of where you are in the world, I hope your day is going well.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. So we are going to absolutely have a word of prayer and then we will get started. So, father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us to come into this place, your house, one more time. God, I pray, god, in the name of Jesus, that you will touch everyone that is listening. God, that every diamond would see their see the beauty within that you have given them beauty for ashes. I pray, in the name of Jesus, that you would just have your way in this time, in this place. Father, we bless your name. We bless all who have a ear and a heart for you. We thank you, god, and we bless you. We pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We do pray Amen, amen and amen, amen. So, miss Shayna, can you do us a favor? Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. I am the founder of a God shift movement and we have a television show and we have a podcast and books and all the things, and so at the time of this recording, I'm actually having what I consider to be an old conversation. And the reason why I say it's an old conversation is because at the time of this recording, about three weeks ago, the Lord gave me a new assignment, and so you're going to hear us talk about a God shift from a bit of a different angle today, but if you were to go to the website or look at any of the things that you'll do, that you're doing, you'll see that my assignment is completely different. So, going forward, just because we're in a critical time in the world, the Lord is calling me to mobilize world changers that are going to force out the enemy of darkness and bring attention to advancing God's purposes, and so we're going to talk about disruption today. We're going to talk about successfully navigating the seasons of life, but you will never hear me have this conversation again.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right. Well, that's straight to the point. I love it. So can we just? Where is it that just share with our listeners, or our diamonds, where this whole God shift movement has come from?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So we've all been through them, right, like we've all had those moments where we're not quite sure what is going on in our lives. You know, I in my last book. The very first thing I say in my book is what the hell is going on. I think that those are birds that people of faith ask themselves all the time Like Lord, what are you doing? Like I'm a little bit of a thug and so I'm like what are we doing, bro? Like, what are we doing? I love it. And so when I think about my own God shift moment and I can give several examples you know you're in the middle of a God shift. When you're, when you're just recognizing something is off, you don't necessarily know what or why, but you know that you don't want to stay here. Sometimes you're at a crossroads. They on my old path. Do I go in a new direction? That thing that I was once pursuing, that was such a choice, was such a passion, is now feeling like a chore. You're burned out, You're overwhelmed. You're questioning your authority, you're questioning your influence. Lord, did I get it wrong? All of those things are are examples that you are in the middle of a God shift. But my own personal God shift and how this ministry was birthed was from 2007 until 2018. I was an extremely successful entrepreneur. As a matter of fact, usually and I don't say this to brag, but I say this to give context to the conversation Usually, by the second I was already $100,000 in revenue, like I was making a lot of money. I was doing all the things. I was speaking all around the world. I had celebrities and politicians who were clients, and my pastor says to me the Lord is saying that it's time for you to write your next book. Now, anybody who knows me knows that every time I write a book, I say I'm never writing another book. I'm in the process of writing my fifth book now, so I think I'll stop saying that. So these confirmations that I was being called to ministry was the long and the short of it, and we're allowed everything in my life to dry up. Why did he do that? It's because many of us are pursuing the wrong place. There's always, regardless of how well things are going in your life, and even if you're doing a good thing, even if you're doing a God thing, even if you're doing everything that the Lord asked you to do, there's always somewhere that he needs us. Next, there's always a next. And it doesn't mean that we didn't hear God correctly. It doesn't mean that we're not fully immersed in our calling, but there's always a next. When you're an anointed in the presence of God, there's always a next, and for me, the Lord knew to get my attention and to call me into my next. I'm the type of person that you have to hit over the head with a two by four, some people, you can whisper at them to get their attention. I'm not that type of girl. If you want to get my attention, you have to be radical, and so the Lord knew that, if he was going to get my attention, that he was calling me to ministry, that he was going to have to allow everything to dry up. And so, in June and July in 2018, things had dried up so much that I put my mortgage on a credit card. But the reality is that if those things did not happen, I would have never paid attention to the fact that I was being called to ministry. I would have felt like the least qualified person. I'm like wait a minute. First of all, I didn't grow up in church, so if I didn't grow up in church, I didn't go to Sunday school, which means I don't know the stories. And if I don't know the stories, how am I going to minister to anyone? You see all these questions that we have with ourselves to disqualify why we're not capable already in doing what the Lord has called. And so the way that this came about, this whole notion of me developing an entire movement around a God shift, is that when I accepted the fact that the Lord was calling me to ministry, I was on a spiritual retreat and the Lord showed me that my ministry was going to consist of me preaching and teaching in stadiums, that I would have a television show and I would use my spiritual gifts to bring politicians to Jesus and celebrities. And I knew that by the time I got back to the States that it wasn't likely that those things were going to be in my email waiting on me, although God is capable of doing it like that. I figured that he probably would. And so I came home and I thought, well, what did I tell my clients? That when I was a business coach, I used to tell them the Lord will bless what you put your hands to, meaning that you have to be in action. You can't just sit around and simply pray. You have to pair your prayers with some form of action. And so I came home and I created a coaching business out of it, because that's what I'd always done. And I took that new vision that God gave me and I filtered it through old perspective and I knew that it was too small for the anointing of my life. So I got together with some of my friends at the end of the year and I was like, listen, a new year is coming up and nothing is working Like if I know how to do anything. I know how to grow a coaching business and this is not working, and so my friends helped me discover. I said you know, I want something that can be a movement. And I keep telling everybody, if you're going to get on the other side of what you're going through, a God shift is needed. And she goes whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, stop, that's it. It's a God shift, and history was birth in that moment of trying to fix what it is that? Because I didn't do what God told me to do, because I took the new vision and I filtered it through the old perspective of what I've been doing for the last decade.

Speaker 1:

I love it. That is awesome. I love it because it's so hard for people to transition into a whole mindset, because that's what it just sounds like. A whole mindset change, and you know God's way is something that we have to adopt, because we have a same nature and to do it his way. It takes intentionality, Right yeah.

Speaker 2:

And obedience is what it really takes as obedience because, see, I say that so many of us are making an idol out of clarity. You don't need more clarity, you just need obedience and a plan. Esther, I'm pretty sure, didn't have clarity when she went before the king that could literally cut her head off. Noah didn't have clarity when he was being asked to build a boat and there was not even any rain right. And so, when the Lord is calling you to something new and it's not always because you need to do something new Sometimes, like you said, the Lord is asking us to shift in our mindset. Sometimes it's in our relationships, sometimes it's in our, in what it is that we're doing or anything that we're putting energy into that is not on the path that he has for us. The Lord is going to call you to shift, but stop asking for more clarity. Recognize that when you pray and there's an opportunity, very likely that could be the answer to the prayer. So if you find yourself continually being in a mindset of only praying and never moving, that's disobedience and that's doubt, which is fear. That's not fake. You're dressing your prayers up as a form of procrastination. Is what you're really doing, because you either doubt that you're capable or you doubt that you're ready, or all the things that we tell ourselves. But stop making an idol out of clarity and just do what the Lord told you last, because I can guarantee you as well as my breath in my body, he's not going to tell you anything. Next, because you didn't do anything with what he told you last.

Speaker 1:

You better talk about it.

Speaker 2:

You don't just need a mindset, we need obedience. What can you do based on what he's already said, instead of waiting on what he's going to say? He ain't going to say nothing and delayed obedience. Get off this. Disobedience is disobedience.

Speaker 1:

Girl, you talk of my language. You hear me, that's my language, but earth is on it. Y'all got me on here pushing buses, but that's the language and that's what people need to hear. People need truth. That's what they need. That's what we all need. We all need truth. Whether we like it or not, jesus don't change because we don't like it, and my best.

Speaker 2:

Jesus ain't they say out, just say amen. Every sermon ain't meant to sh. Come on, that's what's wrong Y'all in these churches where they ain't doing nothing but shouting you and making you feel good and there's no transformation.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Hey, man, I agree 100% and you know everything I preach that. Teach that all the time. You just, the way you said it, just kind of just took them. Somebody hit through a ball at you and you just boom, knocked it out the park. I know that's right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm a prophet, so you know we breathe fire. I don't have a past this hard. I'm a prophet, so we breathe fire. All right Now I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love it. Yes, I love what this is about. So tell people what you do and go deeper with the coaching and how you can be a help to them, and exactly what it is that you know you're desiring to do with the call and just everything that God has brought you to.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. So I don't coach, but I can walk you through a framework. So the Lord is calling you to shift yes, he is. There's not a person listening to this episode that the Lord is not asking you to shift in some capacity of your life, and so I'm going to give a free gift at the end where you can learn the entire framework. But I want to talk about how you can really use the God given influence and authority that the Lord gave you to really help you during your shifting season, and I call it the ABCs to unlocking heaven. And the A is the line. Maybe first have to be aligned with God's ways, in His will, and I'm talking about the Trinity, I'm talking about the Holy Bible, and so if there are any diamonds that are listening to this that think that I'm talking about and now I am talking about manifestation, because there is a holy way to manifest, but if you think I'm talking about the world's way of getting still and emptying out your mind and because really all you're doing is letting the devil in, but that's not what this show is about. I'm talking about stage and praying to your ancestors and crystals and all the stuff that I pray that you are not mixing. This is not that, come on. So the reason why I say that is because somebody, you know some people. When they hear a line, they're like well, duh, obviously, but many of us are aligning things, aligning with things, because they told us they were spiritual. And just because something is spiritual doesn't mean as holy. So let's start with that. The A is the line we have to align with the will and the word and the ways of God. The B is for believe. Many of us, or I would say most of us, who are Christians, we believe that God is able. I don't think that we would follow anyone that we didn't think was able, but how many of you question whether or not he's going to do it for you? And so, when we're thinking about how we unlock heaven, when we think about how we put our God shift in motion, lord, how do I shift from where it is that you've had me into where it is that you're taking me, whether it's in my mindset or in a physical location or whatever area you're asking me to shift? I have to believe that you'll do it for me. And then C is the most important and that is, confess, the most powerful weapon that we have as believers is our mouths, but many of us, the words that are coming out of our mouths are in complete contradiction to what it is that the Lord has promised us and what it is that we're praying for, and so I want you to begin to watch your mouth Over the next seven days. I want you to be eerily aware of the words that you're coming out of your mouth and recognizing how much they're not aligning. Let me give you an example of what that is looking for. You're praying for marriage and you're trusting God for a spouse, but you say no one these days is serious about a relationship. You just can't believe what you're believing for. You're believing God for increase, but you're complaining about inflation. Are the words that are coming out of your mouth are they aligning with what it is that you're praying for? Most likely not, because I've been intently practicing this for over two years now, and there's still some days I get it wrong. Don't even joke about the things that you don't want to happen, because that's just how powerful your words are. That's a brief framework. There's a lot of things that you can do in this season, but if you will watch your mouth and recognize that today's reality is because of words that you spoke yesterday and the day before, month before and the year before. Your God shift moment will come together in such a beautiful way because your words are predicting your reality. Even the Lord says in Isaiah that the Lord declared the end from the beginning. So you have to say now what it is that you want to see. Why don't we talk so much about what we don't want? The way that the universe and I'm not giving power to the universe, because I recognize that God is in control of the universe, but the king of the universe orchestrated the universe that every word we say it works to make it come, happen, to happen. So if you spend a lot of time talking about what you don't want, that's not the way words work. The world around you is not able to realize that the words that are coming out of your mouth is what you don't want. It just knows that the words have power and it's supposed to work to make the words come together to happen. So if you're spending more time talking about what you don't want and you're wondering, like Lord, why is nothing changing, it's because you're continuing to give speech and manifestation is voice activated. We saw it in Genesis one Manifestation is voice activated. And so if you're praying and you're fasting and you're doing all the things and you're wondering why nothing is changing, I guarantee you it's because your words have not changed and you're giving too much speech to what it is that you don't want.

Speaker 1:

Girl, you just said a mouthful. You just said a mouthful and I say that because that is a constant battle, because, if you didn't know that, I am a pastor of our ministry and it's so difficult for or let me make sure I say it correctly People are so busy looking at the now that they can't speak the future. You understand, you know why?

Speaker 2:

Because they have sight and no vision.

Speaker 1:

It is the most frustrating thing, as if I said everybody. They think that I'm crazy because I have big dreams. I'm not big dreams, but big vision. God has shown me some things and I speak about it. I don't tell them all of it, but I tell them increments Enough where they can handle, and sometimes it's just like they are looking at me like I'm crazy and I'm just. I'm like he's giving us power, he's giving us dominion, he's giving us authority. Nothing's happening because you are doing nothing. This is why nothing is happening because you're not doing anything, you're not operating in that childlike faith. So can you talk a little bit about and you already touched on it briefly about releasing kingdom authority successfully?

Speaker 2:

That's the roadmap ABC Align, believe and Confess. But when you're talking about your kingdom authority and you hit on this a little bit too many times, we sit idly by waiting on God to do everything, or we're going to others. So if you find every time you find yourself in a pickle, you find yourself going to others to pray for you. And I'm not talking about the fact that we should have more than one person in agreement with us, because the Bible does talk about when two or more agree. I'm not talking about that. What I'm talking about is because I'll tell you, if you asked me to pray for you, I'm going to say I would love to pray for you. Have you prayed for yourself? And the reason why I say that is because I'm going to get in some trouble here, but I'm a preacher so I can talk about this as I want to. So oftentimes in church we only hear about how great God is. And God is phenomenal. He's far above, better than I will ever even come close to being. But I believe that the reason that Jesus was able to die. So let's go back to John 14-12 when it says greater works than these shall you do in my name. That's where most people stop when quoting that scripture, and I think that the second part of it is even more important. It says because I'm going to the Father. What that says to me when I read that passage is God is already in heaven. Jesus was dying to go sit at the right hand of the Father. Which means what? The only thing we have left here is the authority that was given to us through the Holy Spirit. And so when Jesus said, greater works than these shall you do in my name, because I'm going with the Father, that means that the same authority that he had we have because we're heirs of Christ and people have asked me before. So you're saying we're Jesus, and I said nobody's my brother, and so that means my father gave my brother authority, that he gave it to me as well, because I'm not an orphan, I'm not a bastard, I'm an heir, just like he was. And so when we're talking about how do we release our kingdom authority, we first have to recognize that we have all of the authority that we need inside of us. Everything we need we all have. It's God's power, it's our authority. And the word dominion which dominion and authority are synonyms is mentioned 44 times in the Bible, and so we're not releasing our kingdom authority, because no one has ever really taught us the power that we have as people. We've been taught how great God is, but that that puts us in a position where we only rely on God or we only rely on people that we think are quote unquote further along in the faith than we are. So we recognize that you have authority. You have just as much authority as your pastor. You have much. You have just as much authority as your spiritual mentor. You have just as much authority. I don't care if you just accepted Jesus as your savior yesterday. You have just as much authority as those of us who accepted it decades ago. And so that's why we're not releasing our kingdom authority, because we don't recognize that it's ours. We think it's his. It's not his authority, it's God's power, it's our authority. If you don't believe me, google it and look it up. I can give you the scriptures if you want me to email them to you.

Speaker 1:

Girl, you're just preaching today. I know that's right, I mean, so we're coming down to the last few minutes of the episode. So you have a recent book, anything that you want to as far as direct direction in regard to website.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, please, yeah, please. I want to give a free gift because I wrote a free guide and it's called when God says shift Because, like I said, like I've said multiple times, all of us are shifting from somewhere into somewhere else. It's not always because you know, the only time that God is asking you to shift is not just when he has a new assignment for you. You heard me talk about at the top of the hour that the Lord has given me a new assignment, and so you won't be hearing me talk about disruption and navigation and anything anymore, because that's an expired season and many of you are not shifting successfully because you haven't given yourself permission to let go of a season that has expired. But that's not what she asked. So I wrote this guide called when God says shift, and in it the four shifts that are required to get through the shifting season that God is calling all of us to. And you can get that at God says shiftcom. It's completely free. There's no motivation and inspiration, because I want you to be motivated and inspired when you get here and I want to go straight into transformation, because too many of us are on the sidelines and not in the game, too many of us are scratching our heads and wondering where God is. Too many of us are wondering why our prayers are not being answered, and there's a few things that you're going to have to get right and you can get all of those in that free guide at God says shiftcom.

Speaker 1:

God says shiftcom. I'm trying to get it up here for you. Type that fast, but I'm trying. Let me see Bring it back here together. Okay, let's see you tell me if I got it right. Did I get it right GodSailorsShiftcom? Okay, so y'all make sure y'all check out the guide. I will definitely check it out myself as well. Can you give our listeners an encouraging word and close us out with prayer?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. The encouraging word is that it tells you in Ephesians 2 and 10, that you are ready, and so I want you to know that you are prepared and that you are equipped for whatever shifting season the Lord has you in. We've talked a lot about it. Sometimes it's in your mindset, sometimes it's an actual physical shift, sometimes it's in your relationships, but wherever it is that the Lord is calling you to shift, I want you to know that he wouldn't have asked you to shift if you weren't already prepared or if you weren't already ready. And every time you feel like you're not, I want you to go back and read Ephesians 2 and 10, because it talks about what it is that the Lord did in us beforehand for the great works that he's calling us to do, and so that's the encouraging word. But, father, I just want to thank you for this opportunity. I want to thank you for all of the diamonds that are listening today. God, I ask that you will give them the strength and the courage, god, to take steps that are even laced with uncertainty. God, allow us to stop asking you for clarity, stop asking us for further directions, god, but give us holy obedience, god. Help us to recognize that you've already said enough to at least get us started, because you tell us in Psalms 119 and 105 that your word will be a lamp into our feet and a light into our path. You never promised us that you would be a path, a light into the distance, because if every path we take you're lighting it, eventually we will be into the distance and you will be there to meet us. So, god, give us the obedience to take the next step into the path that it is that you have for us, and then we will take the next step into the path that you have for us and eventually we will be exactly where it is that you are calling us to be. God, I come against any form of doubt, I come against any form of confusion. I come against any trick of the enemy, satan. I talk not because I have to, but because I can. You will take your hands off of these diamonds. You will not have their mind, you will not have their joy, you will not have their destiny, because we are going forward. You should have got us yesterday, when we were confused, yesterday, when we were not obedient, but today it is a fixed fight and you have lost. And, god, I thank your people and I am excited to see the testimonies that are going to come back so that I can see what it is that you have created in the lives of your diamonds as a result of their obedience in their shift. Father, we thank you, we glorify you and we magnify you in Jesus' name.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. Thank you so much for that prayer. That was a powerful prayer, girl. All right, don't you go anywhere, but diamonds, y'all heard it and take it. Grab ahold to it, go to the website, follow this young lady, look at her website and look at everything that she's doing. Amen, because God is definitely using her in a magnificent way. And I'm just excited about what God is doing in you because you spoke to me in ways that you know how. You know something internally. You know, but you, just you, just what is it? I affirmed it, that's the word. You affirm what God has told me privately and I wonder and I'll explain that once we finish on the air but, diamonds, y'all know what Michael always says please remember you are a diamond Going through the rough. Amen, so blessings, and until next week we'll see you then, Amen, amen.

Shayna RattlerProfile Photo

Shayna Rattler


Shayna Rattler is an ordained prophet, author, and speaker who empowers believers to impact world change for the glory of God. She is passionate about cultivating women to utilize their influence and authority to advance the purposes of God, and guiding them to mobilize others to blaze the same trail.

Shayna has helped thousands of individuals and organizations around the world achieve personal growth and organizational excellence. She has received multiple awards, has published several books and has been featured in over 450 media outlets. Shayna is the award winning host of A God Shift Podcast and A God Shift with Shayna Rattler TV show.