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April 6, 2024

#91 S4 EP 11: Chris Anderson's Leap of Faith: From Corporate Life to Entrepreneurship Amidst Pandemic Uncertainty

#91 S4 EP 11: Chris Anderson's Leap of Faith: From Corporate Life to Entrepreneurship Amidst Pandemic Uncertainty

When life's brevity becomes all too apparent, how do we pivot toward a path that's both purposeful and fulfilling? That question is at the heart of our conversation with Chris Anderson, CEO and founder of Elevate Media Group, who shares his deeply personal journey from the corporate grind to entrepreneurship during the unsettling times of a global pandemic. Our opening prayer sets the tone for a session filled with reflections on family, the significance of faith in the face of adversity, and the bravery needed to chase an idea that could change everything. Chris's story isn't just about business—it's about the transformation that comes when we listen to the call to do something greater with our lives.

This episode is an homage to the belief that our stories can be powerful catalysts for connection and inspiration. We explore the weight that each personal narrative carries, and discuss how, in the image of God, we have a purpose that's written just for us. But it's not all introspection; we get practical, too. C.S. Lewis's "The Screwtape Letters" provides a backdrop for our conversation on overcoming the paralyzing effects of fear and doubt. As Chris and I unravel the notion that no one is too ordinary to play an extraordinary role in someone else's life, the call to share your story rings clear—it's a beacon to others, revealing the divine blueprint that shapes our existence.

In the spirit of togetherness, we wrap up with a focus on community and collaboration. Chris illustrates how his company, Elevate Media Group, is fostering connections and offering invaluable resources for harnessing the power of social media and video content in ways that are accessible to all. Jesus himself chose companionship over solitude, and we underscore the importance of following that example—when we band together and let faith lead the way, there's no telling how far our light can reach. So, I thank you for joining us and encourage you to recognize your precious worth. You're a gem on a journey of refinement, and as we part ways today, I send you forward with a heartfelt triple amen.

"We're excited to announce that we're back for a brand new season! This season, we are making an impact on the world by answering questions about why, what, how, when, and where we can make a difference. As we embark on this journey, we seek the hand of God to guide us and help us shine like the diamonds He made us to be."

This network stems from the Ministry of Exposed Life Change Ministries.  There is teaching, preaching and so much more.  A diamond shines in the light, all colors, with clarity and uniqueness.  It is an open invitation to you.  You can support our brand here with a gift of any amount.  Every cent goes back into the ministry and brand. 

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00:35 - Journey to Entrepreneurship With Chris Anderson

10:20 - The Power of Sharing Your Story

22:17 - Building Community and Collaboration in Faith

30:59 - Gratitude and Encouragement Exchange


00:00:01,100 --> 00:00:07,969
Hello, hello and welcome back one more time, god's Diamonds in the Rough podcast.

00:00:07,969 --> 00:00:11,169
We are so excited to be with you one more time.

00:00:11,169 --> 00:00:16,512
Amen, we're hoping and praying that today has been a good day for you.

00:00:16,512 --> 00:00:18,667
The week has been well for you.

00:00:18,667 --> 00:00:22,751
Amen, we are excited about our show on today.

00:00:22,751 --> 00:00:24,806
You have myself.

00:00:29,100 --> 00:00:37,942
If you don't know who I am, catherine Michael is not here today, but we do have a guest with us who's going to be giving us a mouthful about entrepreneurship today.

00:00:37,942 --> 00:00:46,478
His name is Chris Anderson, a man, and he just did some fabulous things in the time of the pandemic.

00:00:46,478 --> 00:00:50,466
He's the CEO and founder of Elevate Media Group.

00:00:50,466 --> 00:00:54,741
Amen, but before he comes on, y'all know what we got to do we got to pray.

00:00:54,741 --> 00:00:57,729
So, father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy.

00:00:57,729 --> 00:01:01,723
Thank you for allowing us this day, a day we've never seen before.

00:01:01,723 --> 00:01:10,915
I pray God, for every listener, every heart that is here, god, that we would all be able to glean from what you are giving to us.

00:01:10,915 --> 00:01:13,799
God, we bless your name and we bless your people.

00:01:13,799 --> 00:01:18,088
We pray this prayer in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ.

00:01:18,088 --> 00:01:22,989
We do pray, amen, amen and amen.

00:01:22,989 --> 00:01:25,168
Chris, would you say hello to everyone?

00:01:27,301 --> 00:01:29,248
Hey everybody, super excited to be here.

00:01:29,248 --> 00:01:34,611
Hopefully you can take something away from what I talk about today, but hopefully God speaks right.

00:01:34,932 --> 00:01:36,134
Amen, absolutely.

00:01:36,134 --> 00:01:41,168
So tell us a little bit about yourself and how you entered into this.

00:01:41,168 --> 00:01:44,513
I would say this blessing from God.

00:01:47,180 --> 00:01:47,602
Yeah, into this.

00:01:47,602 --> 00:01:58,284
I would say this blessing from God, yeah, I mean the whole story I keep telling my wife and when I talk about it, it's all a God thing, this whole journey of entrepreneurship, just how his hand's been in it.

00:01:58,284 --> 00:02:07,947
You know, it's true, he provides everything we need, and this journey has been kind of a testament to that and just really, you know, just really strengthen my faith even more.

00:02:07,947 --> 00:02:31,227
So, um, in in some really deep valleys and, um, and it's just such a blessing, though, to be able to do a podcast like this or any podcast, and share just kind of what he's done and how he's used me to build something, um, that's helping other people elevate their stories, whether it be individuals or businesses, and, um, yeah, again, just how he's provided along the way.

00:02:31,227 --> 00:02:32,866
So it's been a really cool thing to grow.

00:02:32,925 --> 00:02:43,727
Elevate media group, which is a video production agency I started in 2021, you know, I actually quit my job in 2020 because I wanted to start a business um, because I felt God calling me to do that.

00:02:43,727 --> 00:03:01,288
Um, and we can dive into how that happened and everything with my wife being on board and things as well later, but didn't know what I was going to do, had an idea and you know wasn't, it wasn't his plan and finally got myself out of the way, and that's when Elevate was started at the end of 2021.

00:03:01,288 --> 00:03:01,909
And you know.

00:03:01,949 --> 00:03:12,302
He's been in it since and we've been growing and it's it's just a huge and um, yeah, I just decided to share whatever I can and however he wants to use me today amen.

00:03:12,362 --> 00:03:19,681
So you said you said something that was pivotal and absolutely fundamental, uh, to anybody doing anything.

00:03:19,681 --> 00:03:23,306
Uh, an idea, an idea.

00:03:23,306 --> 00:03:33,731
What you have to know, diamonds, is that it always begins with an idea, and it's usually something that's just kind of like what do you really want me to do that?

00:03:33,731 --> 00:03:43,551
Huh, and you're like you know, well, I don't have the money and I don't have this and I don't have that, but what made you go forth with this idea, chris?

00:03:47,334 --> 00:03:49,080
made you go forth with this idea, chris.

00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:50,862
Yeah, so this the whole, I mean.

00:03:50,862 --> 00:03:55,461
I'll try to be brief because the backstory could be pretty lengthy, but, um, you know, I was working in the corporate world, normal nine to five job all that fun stuff.

00:03:55,481 --> 00:04:07,425
I was an athletic trainer and you know, in the, in the spin of a year, um, I lost my last grandmother and at the end of that same year, my wife lost her last three grandparents.

00:04:07,425 --> 00:04:12,758
In the span of a month, Um, and because that was at the end of the year, uh, one, it was a big blow.

00:04:12,758 --> 00:04:27,685
But they're down in Texas as well, that's where my wife's from and my job said hey, you've already used all your bereavement on the first death and the second death, um, the last two cause they died within a week.

00:04:27,685 --> 00:04:29,250
That actually married is beautiful, actually, how god, I mean.

00:04:29,250 --> 00:04:31,220
One passed, the other passed two days later.

00:04:31,220 --> 00:04:37,803
So they, that's the longest they've ever been separated um, which is it's just a beauty to god's story there.

00:04:37,803 --> 00:04:39,872
But anyways, you don't have any more bereavement.

00:04:39,872 --> 00:04:42,401
You have all your pto already used for this year.

00:04:42,401 --> 00:04:44,146
Uh, so you can't go down there.

00:04:44,427 --> 00:04:49,947
I was like I'm going down there, I'm going to be down there to support my family and my wife.

00:04:49,947 --> 00:04:52,512
How is this going to work?

00:04:52,512 --> 00:04:56,331
Well, it'll just be time off, unpaid.

00:04:56,331 --> 00:05:00,060
And I said you're kidding, right, like, these are desks, these are unplanned things.

00:05:00,060 --> 00:05:01,062
They're like yeah, unfortunately.

00:05:01,062 --> 00:05:02,161
So what happened?

00:05:02,161 --> 00:05:06,665
I ended up canceling my Christmas PTO so I could use it.

00:05:06,665 --> 00:05:11,228
And thankfully they said we don't usually accept PTO.

00:05:11,228 --> 00:05:15,250
You know, with this short of time frame, I think I gave them a week.

00:05:15,250 --> 00:05:19,333
We usually need like three weeks, so we don't usually do that, but we'll do it this time.

00:05:19,333 --> 00:05:20,874
So I'm thankful they worked there with me.

00:05:21,435 --> 00:05:35,213
But it was really kind of the final straw that I was like life is short, life is precious and I care more about my time with family and other people that I can maybe make a difference outside of this.

00:05:35,213 --> 00:05:44,603
And two, I think God made me a little bit stubborn because I don't necessarily enjoy people telling me what I can do with my time and what it's worth and where it should go to.

00:05:44,603 --> 00:05:47,326
And I've learned with my time and what it's worth and where it should go to and I've learned that over time.

00:05:47,326 --> 00:05:48,584
And it's the strength and weakness.

00:05:48,584 --> 00:05:52,380
And so I was like this is for the birds, like I can.

00:05:52,380 --> 00:05:55,451
And I've been getting into a lot of personal development.

00:05:55,451 --> 00:05:56,786
I've been listening to podcasts.

00:05:56,786 --> 00:05:59,040
I started my podcast in 2019.

00:05:59,040 --> 00:06:02,831
So I had been talking to entrepreneurs about how they were successful and what they've done.

00:06:02,831 --> 00:06:04,024
I'm like I can do something.

00:06:04,024 --> 00:06:06,411
I can do my own business.

00:06:06,411 --> 00:06:13,867
I know I can just cause, I know myself and um, so that all happened in 2019.

00:06:13,867 --> 00:06:19,220
Um, or, excuse me, that was 2018, 2019.

00:06:19,220 --> 00:06:26,326
I started my podcast and really had been thinking about it and was like, okay, what am I going to do?

00:06:26,326 --> 00:06:30,860
And so I went to a conference beginning in 2020 in Toronto.

00:06:30,860 --> 00:06:33,288
I'm from Indiana, so it was about a nine-hour drive.

00:06:33,680 --> 00:06:45,531
I was coming back from that, or in the evening on a Sunday in February, called my wife because I just felt super cold to quit my job and start a business.

00:06:45,531 --> 00:06:50,370
I said I said Hannah, I said I think God told me to quit my job and start a business.

00:06:50,370 --> 00:06:52,064
I really think that's what I'm supposed to do.

00:06:52,064 --> 00:06:53,468
And so she's a math teacher.

00:06:53,468 --> 00:06:58,064
She's very analytical, she's very A plus B has to equal C, kind of thing, or how does that happen?

00:06:58,064 --> 00:07:00,365
And she was like, yeah, this doesn't add up.

00:07:00,365 --> 00:07:00,966
This is not.

00:07:00,966 --> 00:07:04,170
You quit your job, you're bringing in more income.

00:07:04,170 --> 00:07:04,990
How's that going to work?

00:07:04,990 --> 00:07:06,293
I was like I don't know.

00:07:06,293 --> 00:07:09,115
This is just what I feel God calling me to do.

00:07:09,315 --> 00:07:13,369
And so we basically ended up on you know, this is truly what God wants.

00:07:13,369 --> 00:07:20,144
She is going to be on board with it, hannah, you're going to be on board with it, cause I don't think he's going to take us in different paths on this thing.

00:07:20,144 --> 00:07:28,675
Um, so we just kept praying on it and, into March, rolled around and was like hey, you know, I think you are supposed to quit your job and start a business.

00:07:28,675 --> 00:07:30,526
And I was like, okay, here we go.

00:07:30,526 --> 00:07:35,963
So gave my business four weeks notice, so basically all of April.

00:07:35,963 --> 00:07:39,913
Two weeks into that four weeks notice, covid hit here in Indiana.

00:07:39,913 --> 00:07:42,206
I got furloughed for the last two and I was done anyways.

00:07:42,728 --> 00:07:46,059
I got furloughed for the last two and I was done anyways.

00:07:46,059 --> 00:07:49,831
Um, and that's kind of how the whole business started of just kind of leaning into him and listening.

00:07:49,831 --> 00:08:03,072
And uh, you know, it took a year for elevate to start because I was again stubborn, had an idea of what I wanted to do, Uh, and he presented, you know, different clients in a different field, which is now what I do.

00:08:03,072 --> 00:08:07,302
But I was fighting it and so eventually I got myself out of the way.

00:08:07,302 --> 00:08:08,867
I said, okay, I'm going to listen again to your Lord.

00:08:08,867 --> 00:08:10,262
You provided this whole time.

00:08:10,262 --> 00:08:11,103
I see it.

00:08:11,103 --> 00:08:13,689
If this is what you want me to start, I'll do it.

00:08:13,689 --> 00:08:15,379
I started Elevate the next month.

00:08:15,379 --> 00:08:16,742
I had my first reoccurring client.

00:08:16,742 --> 00:08:18,286
That's still with us today.

00:08:18,286 --> 00:08:20,730
Thank, thank, Kim, Praise the Lord on that.

00:08:20,730 --> 00:08:23,437
And it's just continued to grow since that.

00:08:23,838 --> 00:08:25,019
That is awesome, awesome.

00:08:25,019 --> 00:08:32,293
So would you describe yourself as a solution to a problem?

00:08:32,293 --> 00:08:34,926
Would you describe yourself as solution?

00:08:34,926 --> 00:08:39,230
As a problem, I mean a solution to a problem.

00:08:39,230 --> 00:08:47,695
Before you answer that, diamonds, we have to know that God already has a solution before the problem ever came.

00:08:48,600 --> 00:08:52,950
He had already been preparing Chris for the pandemic.

00:08:52,950 --> 00:08:58,080
You understand he had already been preparing him for what was already coming.

00:08:58,080 --> 00:09:02,211
So you have to know that, strategically, your life has been playing.

00:09:02,211 --> 00:09:03,666
Your steps are ordered by God.

00:09:03,666 --> 00:09:04,899
If you truly trusted him, he been playing.

00:09:04,899 --> 00:09:05,440
Your steps are ordered by god.

00:09:05,440 --> 00:09:07,005
If you truly trusted him, he's ordering your steps.

00:09:07,005 --> 00:09:10,191
So, chris, can you answer the question?

00:09:10,191 --> 00:09:17,147
Uh, would you say that you were a solution to a problem, or are that's a great.

00:09:17,628 --> 00:09:32,394
That's a great question, um, and that's it's hard for me to answer that and say yes, because you know I battle that kind of thing, not that I'm anything great, but we're in his image and he's great, right?

00:09:32,453 --> 00:09:33,475
And so we can do great things.

00:09:34,221 --> 00:09:46,363
I mean, if I think of it that way, of him using me, then, yes, I'm a solution to a problem with him working through me, with him working through me.

00:09:46,383 --> 00:10:02,261
Uh, and what we always say at elevate is you know, your story matters, whether that be a brand of business, an individual, uh, your story truly matters and we want to help elevate that in your market so we can, um, just be a part of reaching more people by elevating you, so you can help more people and in doing so, we're just a piece of that in the background.

00:10:02,261 --> 00:10:09,623
So, um, yeah, we're, we're thankful again and we get to be a solution to multiple problems when we help businesses through video content.

00:10:09,623 --> 00:10:14,445
Uh, and, and when I get to speak, I get to share a lot about.

00:10:14,445 --> 00:10:28,769
You know how he worked in this journey, but also how he worked in my personal journey, and, and you know that your story truly does matter, You're worth it in his eyes and, um, you, that your story truly does matter, you're worth it in his eyes and you're more than the worldly titles put on you or you put on yourself.

00:10:28,769 --> 00:10:31,533
And so, yeah, I would say, yes, I am.

00:10:33,221 --> 00:10:33,480

00:10:33,480 --> 00:10:53,397
So you know, what I'm trying to bring out is to every entrepreneur that is out there trying to do something, because God has given them an idea, it's okay to humbly move in his image and after his likeness.

00:10:53,397 --> 00:10:56,589
God does not hide who he is.

00:10:56,589 --> 00:11:12,572
He's all-powerful, he's all-knowing, he's the creator and the author and the finisher of everything, and that says a lot to us as individuals who are made in his image and after his likeness.

00:11:12,572 --> 00:11:26,052
He wants us to carry ourselves in such a way that says that God has given a plan for me, god has a plan for your life, and it is okay to illustrate it.

00:11:26,052 --> 00:11:42,672
I think that and you tell me what you think I think that society has made us or is trying to force God's people to hide because we have something to say for him.

00:11:42,672 --> 00:11:43,946
What do you think about that?

00:11:43,966 --> 00:11:47,878
Yeah, yeah, I think that's a big thing.

00:11:47,878 --> 00:12:15,988
I think you know I've read the Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis and if you haven't read that book, I'd recommend it highly because it just shows how the devil tries to work in little things, um, and he, I think he really does use us, or use those methods to to deter us from really living.

00:12:15,988 --> 00:12:32,807
You know that story that God has for us, um, because all our stories are powerful and they all you know, plant those seeds for you know the kingdom, for you know glory being given to God, for people to see God working.

00:12:32,807 --> 00:12:43,400
And, yeah, I think that's one area that gets attacked a lot and it's the little things that keep us off of living into our story fully.

00:12:44,743 --> 00:12:45,344

00:12:45,344 --> 00:12:47,668
I agree with that 100%.

00:12:47,668 --> 00:13:07,729
At the end of the day, I think that also another thing that matters that you knowing who you are, who you are, and knowing that, because you are a child of god, he's going to use you in a magnificent way um, he wants to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

00:13:07,729 --> 00:13:12,485
I mean, I believe that jesus illustrated that with his birth alone.

00:13:12,485 --> 00:13:13,807
You know what I mean.

00:13:13,807 --> 00:13:17,765
You're talking about the king of kings being born in a barn.

00:13:17,765 --> 00:13:18,998
I mean it just doesn't.

00:13:18,998 --> 00:13:21,846
Intellectually, it doesn't make any sense.

00:13:21,846 --> 00:13:27,768
How can somebody that's coming off the streets change literally change the world?

00:13:27,768 --> 00:13:38,235
How can somebody just quit their job and then turn around, have a six to seven figure income you know what I mean just like in a span of a couple of years.

00:13:38,615 --> 00:13:41,721
It just mathematically doesn't make sense now, does it?

00:13:43,384 --> 00:13:54,188
right, I know, and it's, and it's those things too, like when we start letting the devil kind of get in our head and in our mind and our thoughts, that we start to play small and we start to have fear.

00:13:54,188 --> 00:14:03,475
And you know, that's the scary thing too, because our story is important and our story is unique and our story can impact other people.

00:14:03,475 --> 00:14:17,046
But when we allow that fear to be more powerful in our minds and stop us from sharing that story, there are people who are missing out on hearing that.

00:14:17,046 --> 00:14:30,460
And when that happens and it's a scary thing and I talk to my wife about this, because sometimes when I don't want to share something or I feel like I shouldn't say something, that's planting a seed I feel like that's the devil.

00:14:30,460 --> 00:14:42,524
So I always should say it, because I tell her, I said you know what, if that's that one moment that I don't share that, because I'm scared what they're going to say or I'm fearful what they're going to think Now, if I don't share that, that's their only time of hearing God.

00:14:42,794 --> 00:14:43,655
Yeah, yeah, I get it.

00:14:43,996 --> 00:14:49,605
Like that's the one moment, that's the catalyst that God's going to speak to them through, and I didn't.

00:14:51,206 --> 00:15:03,436
I didn't step up because I was too afraid, instead of living in the power of God, and so that person might never hear what they needed to hear in that moment and their whole, their whole life path could be a whole, a whole different thing.

00:15:03,436 --> 00:15:18,721
Um, not that it's always that extreme, but that's kind of what I think in my mind to try to overcome that fear is what if that one person that you're speaking to needed to hear your story or needed to hear that thing that you were a little scared to say because of whatever?

00:15:18,721 --> 00:15:25,375
And then you know maybe what happens they're going to reckon they pass away and that was their moment to that they needed that they were going to.

00:15:25,375 --> 00:15:26,597
You know, reach out to God.

00:15:26,597 --> 00:15:31,548
And we didn't do it because we allowed the devil to let fear stop us.

00:15:31,548 --> 00:15:42,866
I don't know, just my mind kind of goes in that direction, like that's our story matters that much and we and there's power through it, you know that God can use us with it.

00:15:43,995 --> 00:15:44,615

00:15:44,615 --> 00:15:49,222
And one thing to note is that you know when God wants to.

00:15:49,222 --> 00:15:53,629
God doesn't always have us to, you know.

00:15:53,629 --> 00:15:55,100
But what am I saying?

00:15:55,100 --> 00:16:10,748
What I'm saying is because so oftentimes people are looking for the people of God to only speak, that they only are supposed to speak scripture, and our life becomes a scripture.

00:16:10,748 --> 00:16:11,889
You know what I mean.

00:16:12,535 --> 00:16:31,547
And you know our life can be a testimony or a reflection of the scripture, and that's what you got to know is that you know your witness doesn't necessarily have to be you memorizing a scripture and constantly talking about scripture to be a witness for Christ.

00:16:31,547 --> 00:16:44,029
Christ is not religious, he's relational, and he would rather us be relational with people than to come legalistically with a whole bunch of scripture out of your mouth.

00:16:44,029 --> 00:16:46,302
You know, you understand what I'm saying.

00:16:46,302 --> 00:16:47,635
You know what I mean, cause.

00:16:47,735 --> 00:17:04,162
I just feel like so many people are missing missing, true, because they are trying to be politically correct, I guess you could say yeah, but anyway, go ahead, go ahead, sir.

00:17:05,064 --> 00:17:07,295
Yeah, I think I mean the biggest thing is just to be real.

00:17:07,295 --> 00:17:10,157
You know, we're all sinners, we all fall short, no one's perfect.

00:17:10,157 --> 00:17:19,105
And you know, just have those conversations and like be okay to say I don't know the answer, or I don't know why that happens, or I don't.

00:17:19,105 --> 00:17:24,070
You know, I'm not, all I know is this and what God's done in my life.

00:17:24,070 --> 00:17:31,140
And you know, just be real and be open and authentic and that's, I mean, that's the best thing.

00:17:31,140 --> 00:17:38,598
I think people gravitate towards that more than if you're just trying to push your scripture and use it to the Bible thump instead of just being real and open.

00:17:38,598 --> 00:17:39,320
And it's great to.

00:17:39,320 --> 00:17:49,663
I mean, obviously it's powerful to use scripture when it's right, but you're just doing it to try to to seem you know a certain way it might not come off as well.

00:17:51,236 --> 00:17:52,160
Absolutely so.

00:17:52,160 --> 00:18:13,107
Um, not really shifting gears, but I want you to have time to talk about, uh, a little bit more in depth about Elevate Media, uh, maybe some simple steps in how we can actually glean from, I mean, give us what it is that you have to tell us about Elevate Media.

00:18:15,736 --> 00:18:24,423
Yeah, so you know, we do full video production, whether it be, you know, video, podcast edits, brand story videos, social media video content.

00:18:24,423 --> 00:18:29,836
We have an events branch, so they do weddings, real estate parties, things like that as well.

00:18:29,836 --> 00:18:38,450
So the big thing is, you know, with video, and why we love that so much, is because social media is so prevalent and it's going to continue to be that way.

00:18:38,450 --> 00:18:53,402
Like it or hate it, social media is going to be, you know the future, continuing with being able to reach people, either, you know, business, personal faith, whatever it is, that's going to be the medium.

00:18:53,402 --> 00:19:12,403
And as we're getting into more virtual reality, metaverse, all this crazy stuff, video and being on camera and at least having your likeness out there is crucial To be able to one build a relationship, build that trust, build that connection with those who are following you.

00:19:12,403 --> 00:19:45,182
A lot better than a static image or a static post those still have their power but video, with where we're at in life, it just opens the door to building relationships through a screen, whether it be on social media or whether it be on YouTube, because people are watching YouTube videos on their TVs now, so you could literally be in people's homes and their living rooms, talking and sharing, uh, and they're going to be watching you and, and you know, building that connection and getting that message through there.

00:19:45,202 --> 00:20:03,488
And so, again, that's why elevate you know I love, you know, I love you know I started out not loving what I was doing it was just providing income until I was like, dude, look what this is doing, like this isn't just a business, this is helping other people get their stories out there, get heard.

00:20:03,914 --> 00:20:10,372
And a lot of people we help are making a difference in the world in some way in business, in life, in the world, in some way in business and life.

00:20:10,372 --> 00:20:16,105
And so it's like they're making a difference and you're now making a difference in their story which allows them to expand and be seen.

00:20:16,105 --> 00:20:22,104
And their story is now being heard by more people, seen by more people, and so our ripple effect is going out.

00:20:22,104 --> 00:20:31,640
And when I saw that, I got a different enjoyment and I got a different passion for it and I mean he's been faithful and provided along the way.

00:20:31,640 --> 00:20:59,528
But that's why you know why Elevate's here is to help people realize the power of video as a tool to grow their business, to grow their brand, to reach more people with their message, with God's message, and it's just a really cool thing to be a part of and see all these different organizations and people making a difference and we're just kind of in the background getting to do our part, um, in helping plant the seeds and extending that ripple out.

00:21:00,556 --> 00:21:00,916

00:21:00,916 --> 00:21:04,747
Well, you know what, mr Anderson, I need you too.

00:21:04,747 --> 00:21:10,984
We definitely need you over here, but we'll talk more after the show is over.

00:21:10,984 --> 00:21:21,429
But, um, can you tell us uh, how, how people can get in contact with uh elevate media?

00:21:21,429 --> 00:21:22,760
I see you have a website.

00:21:22,760 --> 00:21:28,163
You got Facebook, all of the handles on social media, so share please.

00:21:29,205 --> 00:21:30,576
Yeah, absolutely so.

00:21:30,576 --> 00:21:49,773
Yeah, our website's elevate-media-groupcom, and actually we're going to be building a community for people who want to get their message out on social media online through video A little bit easier.

00:21:49,773 --> 00:22:01,865
We're going to kind of guide people how to do that and especially if they don't have the means to outsource, and so we're starting that community and that's going to be on.

00:22:01,865 --> 00:22:13,326
We're we're building out the wait list right now because we're going to launch in in June and and so I'll get you that link because it's going to be.

00:22:13,326 --> 00:22:13,627
It'll be.

00:22:13,627 --> 00:22:19,087
It's a little bit longer to say some people can just click on it, but yeah, for elevate nation, we're going to build that out.

00:22:19,087 --> 00:22:32,727
So I'm excited to be able to share that One of the first podcasts I get to share that on, because we we wanted if you can't afford our production, we still want to benefit and help you grow with video, and so that's why that's our heart behind it.

00:22:32,727 --> 00:22:37,632
We want to just continue to elevate people's output and marketing and businesses through that.

00:22:37,632 --> 00:22:38,759
So that's a big one.

00:22:40,496 --> 00:22:43,385
We have a podcast, the Elevate Media Podcast, where we talk to entrepreneurs.

00:22:43,385 --> 00:22:48,164
We talk video content there to help people elevate their lives and businesses.

00:22:48,164 --> 00:22:49,982
So check that out wherever you listen to podcasts.

00:22:49,982 --> 00:23:00,365
If you have any more questions, you can reach out to me personally on Instagram at christanderson Would love to start conversations.

00:23:00,365 --> 00:23:02,864
I still answer those messages personally myself.

00:23:02,864 --> 00:23:11,526
So if you have questions on video, on business, anything, I love talking to people, I love having conversations and I'm definitely open to it.

00:23:11,526 --> 00:23:20,717
So don't shy away or think I don't have time to do it, because I make time and that's the best way to connect with us and get connected and learn and grow with us.

00:23:21,959 --> 00:23:44,465
That is fabulous, because I'm telling you, you will absolutely hear from me, absolutely, because there is so much that God has shown me to do and I just don't know exactly how to do it, and I believe that it is so important for us to be connected Connection, connected community communication.

00:23:44,465 --> 00:23:46,279
We can, absolutely we cannot.

00:23:46,279 --> 00:23:52,606
Look, here's the thing we try to do, what God tells us to do, but we can't always do it by ourself.

00:23:52,606 --> 00:23:54,336
Oh, absolutely, try to do what.

00:23:54,356 --> 00:24:13,945
God tells us to do, but we can't always do it by ourself, and when we're doing it with God and we're doing it the way he tells us to do it, that he's going to align us with like-minded individuals, that not that we shine, necessarily, but that he shines through us because we're doing it for him.

00:24:13,945 --> 00:24:18,682
Oh my gosh, I just, I mean I just it's crazy.

00:24:19,124 --> 00:24:19,846
It's crazy to think about.

00:24:19,846 --> 00:24:24,922
Like Jesus came down and he could have got the message out however he wanted, but he picked to have disciples.

00:24:24,922 --> 00:24:27,500
Yeah, he built his own team.

00:24:27,500 --> 00:24:28,624
You know, he picked a team.

00:24:28,624 --> 00:24:31,615
He didn't do it alone and I think that's just a beautiful thing.

00:24:31,615 --> 00:24:47,459
He could have easily, you know, he could have been, and once did he snap, went to another city, but he chose to walk with others like physically walk the road with others, not alone, not flying back and forth, but he built.

00:24:47,579 --> 00:24:49,826
he built a team and I think that's a testament to what you're saying.

00:24:49,826 --> 00:24:52,582
And we can't, we shouldn't, do it alone and we can, can't.

00:24:52,582 --> 00:25:17,576
I mean, that's elevate, like I couldn't have gotten to where we are today without bringing people on who are better at different areas than I am, and it's just a, it's just a reflection of what Jesus did with disciples and it's it's a crazy thing If you look at it like I've never.

00:25:17,596 --> 00:25:18,679
I, you know just recently looking at it like that.

00:25:18,679 --> 00:25:21,365
It's like, wow, like because he could have just right, I'm gonna go here and then I'm gonna go here and just show up.

00:25:21,365 --> 00:25:21,665
But he didn't.

00:25:21,665 --> 00:25:23,128
He walked and he walked with others, uh, which I think is just huge.

00:25:23,148 --> 00:25:38,810
Oh man, god, I just so feel the spirit oh my goodness, I just feel the spirit right now and you know, with, with this conversation and the fact that you know that, know, I always say let's see when the light comes together, the brighter the light becomes.

00:25:38,810 --> 00:25:43,901
And it is powerful when you think about that.

00:25:43,901 --> 00:25:56,316
Because he could have written, he could have used himself to just come up with his Bible, but he used ordinary men to write the Bible with his Bible.

00:25:56,316 --> 00:25:58,541
But he used ordinary men to write the Bible.

00:25:58,541 --> 00:26:03,295
He, as you said, he had the disciples come together and he taught them and he oh my gosh, that is like a brick, just hit it just.

00:26:03,796 --> 00:26:17,864
I hope that every listener got that, because that is a word for each and every one of us, that we word for each and every one of us, that we, we, he didn't intend for us to do it all by ourself.

00:26:17,864 --> 00:26:18,646
He didn't intend for us to do that.

00:26:18,646 --> 00:26:19,811
He shows that through his word.

00:26:19,811 --> 00:26:23,383
He shows us through our life that community is important.

00:26:23,383 --> 00:26:40,652
He showed that with adam and eve because he said I did not want man to be alone, and so so for the hermit, for the one that think that, oh, I got to prove this and I got to prove between myself and Mr Chris.

00:26:40,711 --> 00:26:53,894
Here we're telling you God has dropped the evidence in here for us that we cannot and we should not be out here alone trying to do what he created all of us to do together, right, oh, man, I feel like preaching Lord, have mercy, trying to do what he created all of us to do together Jesus.

00:26:53,894 --> 00:26:55,878
Right oh man, I feel like preaching.

00:26:55,878 --> 00:26:59,007
Lord, have mercy, oh Lord.

00:26:59,007 --> 00:27:02,954
So, chris, we're coming down to our last few minutes.

00:27:02,954 --> 00:27:07,166
Can you give us what it is that the Lord has given you?

00:27:10,435 --> 00:27:11,500
Yeah, your story matters.

00:27:11,500 --> 00:27:13,964
You might be in a dark place.

00:27:13,964 --> 00:27:15,095
You might be in a dark place, you might be in a valley.

00:27:15,095 --> 00:27:19,364
You know, not thinking you're worth it, not thinking that your life matters.

00:27:19,364 --> 00:27:22,075
But that is a lie from the devil.

00:27:22,075 --> 00:27:27,805
And you, your story matters more than you realize.

00:27:27,805 --> 00:27:29,227
So don't give up.

00:27:30,209 --> 00:27:31,816
Uh, seek the help that is needed.

00:27:31,816 --> 00:27:34,321
There are hotlines, there are people who care.

00:27:34,321 --> 00:27:36,425
Reach out to them.

00:27:36,425 --> 00:27:37,489
You're not alone.

00:27:37,489 --> 00:27:41,317
He's not.

00:27:41,317 --> 00:27:42,162
He hasn't left you.

00:27:42,162 --> 00:27:43,458
Man, it's part of my story.

00:27:43,458 --> 00:27:48,448
It gets emotional, but he never leaves you.

00:27:48,448 --> 00:27:50,643
He's there, still waiting for you to reach out.

00:27:50,643 --> 00:27:54,897
If you're in those valleys, you know he's there still waiting for you to reach out.

00:27:54,897 --> 00:27:56,358
If you're in those valleys, you know he's there waiting.

00:27:56,358 --> 00:27:58,300
So just just seek that help.

00:27:58,300 --> 00:28:03,326
Know your story truly matters and there's a purpose and plan for your life.

00:28:03,326 --> 00:28:10,031
No matter what valley, no matter how, how deep you're in it, no matter how dark it looks, there's a light coming for you.

00:28:10,031 --> 00:28:17,324
So don't, don't give up and keep, and keep elevating your life, keep moving forward and seeking him.

00:28:17,324 --> 00:28:18,838
That's what I'd leave with.

00:28:20,324 --> 00:28:25,224
Hallelujah, father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy.

00:28:25,385 --> 00:28:29,575
Once again, father, we thank you, God, for bringing this relationship together.

00:28:29,575 --> 00:28:40,404
Thank you so much for this man of God, his family, his media group, everything, god, that you have planned and ordained for him to do for the kingdom.

00:28:40,404 --> 00:28:48,367
I pray, god, that every heart and every diamond is able to receive what it is that you gave us on today.

00:28:48,367 --> 00:28:56,622
Father, we are so, very, so, very grateful and thankful for you and how you work.

00:28:56,622 --> 00:29:06,301
God, we just love you so much and we're, again, just grateful that you have used us In this moment for the ones who wanted you.

00:29:06,301 --> 00:29:16,955
God, we just pray, lord, the blessings of the Lord be upon your people, upon the work that we are doing for the kingdom.

00:29:16,955 --> 00:29:31,140
Not only us, but all around the world, god, you would touch those that are doing things for you, not for selfish gain, father, but for those that are truly seeking your face and ready to do the work you've called them to.

00:29:31,140 --> 00:29:37,701
Blessings, blessings, blessings, father, we bless your name and we say thank you in Jesus Christ's name.

00:29:37,701 --> 00:29:41,087
We do pray, amen, amen.

00:29:41,308 --> 00:29:41,548

00:29:42,155 --> 00:29:43,442
And amen.

00:29:43,442 --> 00:29:45,903
Did you have anything else you want to share before we get out of here?

00:29:47,855 --> 00:29:49,461
No, you know that was about it.

00:29:49,461 --> 00:29:50,619
I appreciate you having me on.

00:29:51,035 --> 00:29:54,085
Yes, I am so grateful and so very thankful for you coming.

00:29:54,085 --> 00:29:57,084
Like I said, you stay on the line here for a second.

00:29:57,084 --> 00:29:58,640
Y'all know what time it is.

00:29:58,640 --> 00:30:00,144
Don't you forget it.

00:30:00,144 --> 00:30:01,299
Don't ever forget it.

00:30:01,299 --> 00:30:08,242
You are a diamond and it might be rough, but you are a diamond in the rough and we'll see you on next week.

00:30:08,242 --> 00:30:12,446
Amen, amen and amen.

Chris Anderson

