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Jan. 27, 2024

#77 S3 EP 39 The Unseen Battle Of Trauma and the Triumphing Over It

#77 S3 EP 39 The Unseen Battle Of Trauma and the Triumphing Over It

Have you ever found yourself weighed down by the echoes of past traumas, silently questioning whether relief and healing are within your grasp? Our latest episode, steeped in empathy and understanding, offers a sanctuary for those yearning to hear voices of resilience and learn how to reclaim their lives. Today, I, Catherine, invite you to join a journey of healing as we discuss the tenacity required to confront and overcome life's most harrowing experiences. Through a prayerful and heartfelt conversation, we offer solace, acknowledging the courage it takes to face trauma and the power of faith to guide us through the darkest of times.

Have you ever found yourself weighed down by the echoes of past traumas, silently questioning whether relief and healing are within your grasp? Our latest episode, steeped in empathy and understanding, offers a sanctuary for those yearning to hear voices of resilience and learn how to reclaim their lives. Today, I, Catherine, invite you to join a journey of healing as we discuss the tenacity required to confront and overcome life's most harrowing experiences. Through a prayerful and heartfelt conversation, we offer solace, acknowledging the courage it takes to face trauma and the power of faith to guide us through the darkest of times.

As we thread together narratives of triumph, we explore the terrain of acute, chronic, and complex traumas and their wide-ranging impact on daily life. We're not just talking about the symptoms but moving toward the heart of recovery, understanding that therapy is a beacon of strength, not a sign of weakness. With an astounding 60 to 75% of North Americans touched by trauma, this episode is an essential compass for navigating the path to emotional freedom. So, whether you've been personally affected or are supporting someone through their struggle, this conversation is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the healing that awaits. Amen.

Exposed Life Change Ministries located in Central VA. For more information: www.elcmhopecommunitycenter.org

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00:00 - Dealing With Trauma

12:36 - Understanding and Overcoming Trauma


Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back, god's diamonds in the rough. We are so glad to be before you one more time. We hope all is well with you. We hope that today has been a good and prosperous day for you. We hope that this past week has been good for you as well. Amen. Today we are so excited, once again, as I said, to be before you. So before we get into it, let's go ahead and pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us to stay, a day we've never seen before, a day we will never see again. I pray in the name of Jesus, lord, that what your will is, that will be done here on today. We pray for every heart, every mind that is here. God bless them. God bless them in such a way that they cannot deny you. I pray, god, that you would just have your way. We thank you. We bless you In Jesus Christ's name. We do pray, amen, amen. So again I say I'm glad to be before you one more time. Michael is not here. You have yours truly, catherine. Amen. And today we are going to be talking about trauma, as we are coming into two podcasts interviews before we actually go into a break for a week, amen, before we start our new season, amen. I wanted to just briefly touch on the topic so you are prepared for what is coming before you, amen. Talking about trauma, I don't know if you know anything about it I think that we all on some level have had some type of trauma in our life and I always say, y'all know, I say the only way can really do serious damage is if it goes unchecked, amen, goes unchecked. And if we look at the, if we look at the definition and try to define it, when we look on Google, it describes it as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. And then, for within that, godly says emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury which may be associated with physical shock and sometimes leads to long term neurosis. And that says a lot. Because, you know, can you think of a time where you have been in a stressful situation, something that emotionally happened, maybe a sudden death, some type of tragedy, maybe you may have experienced child abuse, some type of physical abuse, and it's left you traumatized, amen, and you're, you know, trying to figure out well, how do I go forward when I can't get past what happened, you know, and people, you have people that live their lives traumatized and they will self-destruct their relationships, their selves, they, they, they can wind up having a hard time in life and we want to help you understand that. You know Jesus is the way he. You are trauma, you might have had something happen, but there is a way out, amen. There is a way out. Doesn't have to be a woe is me story, amen, um, and not only that. You got to kind of appreciate making it through the trauma, amen. I think that's another dynamic that we often miss or forget. You know, we, we, we suffer the pain and we uh deal with the anxiety and stress of, of the trauma, but we don't realize we made it through the thing that has terrorized us for years, amen. And so today, we just simply want to encourage you to deal with the trauma, amen. And the first way you can deal with it is receiving the fact that you made it through it. To God be the glory. Come on somebody. You made it through, uh, the thing that you thought would kill you, amen. When we are walking with Jesus, he allows us to be able to make it through. If we look at the story of Shadarac, meshach and Abednego. Can you imagine? I'm sure that was a traumatizing situation. You're in the middle of a fire and you don't die. Come on, hallelujah. You don't die, but you know Jesus is with you. That could have traumatized them, that could have affected that ministry, that could have affected that walk, and you know, sadly it happens to us every day. Amen. Trauma almost paralyzes people all day, every day. And if we are connected to Jesus and we're trusting Him, we got to allow Him. As he teaches us in 1 Peter, verses five, chapter five, verse seven. He says cast all your anxieties on Him because he cares for you. Amen, that's the English standard version and that just simply means that you know your worries and that stress and that trauma and that thing that has physically injured you, emotionally, spiritually, that thing he says give it to me. Amen, he said because I care about you and you have to know when ain't nobody else there, he is. He created you with a plan and a purpose for your life. Amen. And you know, I just dare you to not let the traumatization rule your life. Amen. We don't deny that it didn't happen. Amen, that's not what we're trying to do. But the thing about it is that what happened? You need to face it, amen, face it. And one thing that will also help and I know it helped me is asking God what are you trying to teach me? What were you trying to teach me when that happened, you know? Or the aftermath of it? What was the lesson? What was I supposed to learn? Because I truly believe that if we don't ever take away the good out of what could have killed us, take the good out of it, it'll continue to terrorize you, amen. We look at Isaiah 41 and 10. They said fear not, for I am with you, and be not dismayed. Amen. You know, when you're looking at the trauma, you're dealing with it and you're trying to. You know you're trying to get past it. That can be a fearful thing, amen. Come on somebody. I hope somebody out there can relate to what I'm saying right now. It is fearful. It is not an easy thing, amen. I would not dare try to minimize the pain and the hurt that came behind the trauma. But Jesus says with me, you don't have to be afraid because I am with you. Amen. You don't have to blame yourself and you know, and go out there and seek your vengeance and all of that. You don't need to do that. He said I'm with you. He says for, I am your God, amen, I'm your God, I'm your father, I'm gonna take care of you. He said I will strengthen you. The verse that I'm reading is Isaiah 41, verse 10. He said I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Amen. That ought to encourage you. Hallelujah, amen. Encourage you that he will give you the strength to make it through. Amen, he absolutely will. Amen. Can you remember a time where you almost gave up, you almost quit? You know, I can y'all know here. I tend to use my first marriage a lot, because it was that was a turning point, that was a whole, that was like another, a brand new chapter of my life. You know when that? When that dead marriage ended. But I didn't think I would live through it, I didn't think that I had anything to live for. Amen, I didn't think that I was good enough. You know what I mean. Because of this trauma that incurred during the marriage. Because during the marriage, um, he did a lot of damage in regard to my self-esteem, but my self-esteem shouldn't have been in him. You understand what I'm saying my identity shouldn't have been wrapped up in him. Amen. You know there's a whole lot of things about me that was in him and it shouldn't have been. Amen. Our identity should be in Jesus. Our identity, uh, who we are, our self-esteem, and all of that it should be rooted in him. Amen, because, see, look, when the trauma happens, when the things happening in your life, amen, if, if it's, if you're, if everything is in Jesus, then when the failure happens, he's able to pick you up. When you feel weak, he's able to give you strength. Amen. I hope that that makes sense. Amen. When life is happening, you know that you're not alone. You know that he's right there with you. Amen. I know it's easy to talk about after you've overcome, but I'm trying to help you understand that you know it's not over. Amen, just because you've had trauma, we've again. We've all had trauma in some sort of way. Some has been short and some has been lasting. But in order to overcome it, you got to face it. Amen. You got to acknowledge hey, this hurt me, this left a broken place in my heart. So I can't trust, I don't know how to trust, amen. So you know, deal with it. Amen, hallelujah. Some of the other things that happen when we are traumatized and when a person is traumatized. Some of the symptoms are you know, you got anxiety, you have panic attacks, ptsd. You hear that a lot with with people who come out of the military. You know, trauma, temptation, trauma, that traumatization Hello is a real thing. Amen. And the next two interviews that are coming behind this one, I know the first story with Terry Wellbrock Wellbrock. She experienced a whole, you know, I think I believe it was physical abuse she experienced. You know, she watched up. She would ended up being in the in the same vicinity of a bank robbery, robbery and all types of stuff. And then the next young lady, daniel Burnock. She talks about how God gave her an anemone for self in regard to loving yourself. Amen. And both these, both of these ladies, are very powerful voices for those who've been traumatizing how to help you get up. So, you know, I want to pray that you will tune into the next two episodes because it's really, really important for us to be there for each other. Amen. Somebody else's story can help you come into your glory. Amen. Somebody else's story can help you come into your glory. Amen. Or, you know, if you don't want to say glory. You say it can help you come into your freedom. Amen, it can. It really can help you come out of that place of darkness. Because the traumatization can absolutely leave you in the dark. Amen. It could leave you hopeless. Amen, it could leave you feeling like you were a mistake. Amen, it can. It really can. But you have to know that there is a plan and a purpose for your life. Amen. Don't make what is temporary permanent. Amen. And we can absolutely do that with how we look at that particular situation or that circumstance. Amen, hallelujah. And then he says weep and may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Amen. And unfortunately, some people's night hasn't ended. Some people's night has lasted for 20, 30, 40 years and they don't realize that not allowing that traumatization to pass. It has affected every relationship you've ever been in. It affects how you respond to whatever comes at you. Some people can't keep a job. Some people, again, they are married, they're getting. They've been married three, four, five, six times. You know what I mean. Somewhere along the line there is a root of traumatization and it's affecting every area of your life. Amen. Some of it might be in their money, so I mean just all kinds of things, amen. And so I dare you to come back and, for the next two weeks, take a listen to these two ladies story Amen, see how you can relate. Amen, there are absolutely treatments. There's all kinds of things that can help you. Amen, it can help you. There are a couple of types of trauma as well. There's acute, there's chronic, there's complex, amen. Acute is a single stressful or dangerous event that happens to you. Acute is repeated, it is. It just keeps on happening. Repeated and prolonged exposure to highly stressful events. What is an example? Child abuse, bullying, domestic violence. Those are examples of chronic trauma. Complex is multiple traumatic events, amen. And it's interesting because people, everyday people, are suffering from one of these, one of the other. Amen, hallelujah, you got to face what it is, amen. Some of the symptoms, which range from mild to severe in regard to the person and how you can tell, is their characteristics presence of mental and health conditions, previous exposure to traumatic events Y'all see getting tongue-tied, that was a lie, amen. Different types, the type of characteristics of the events, the background and approach of handling their emotions Amen. A lot of times, the response to the trauma is denial, amen. Not only denial, but anger, fear, sadness, shame, confusion, anxiety, depression, numbness, guilt, hopelessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating Amen. Why? Because you haven't flashbacks to what happened. You don't know how to cope with it. And there's also sense withdrawal, amen, hallelujah. Nightmares at night. All of these things are real, amen. So, no, you're not crazy. You've been traumatized, amen. Sometimes we don't know how to identify. I'm telling you, with everything that I'm reading and what I understand, you've been traumatized. This is why you respond the way that you respond. This is why you do what you do because it has happened, amen. What else can happen? You can have unanswered or don't understand why you keep having headaches, digestive symptoms like being sick, all the time, nauseated. What did I fatigue? Your heart racing, sweating, you're like jumping. You hear noise and you jump. You know you're doing this than the other and you're just very, very tense. Yeah, all of that comes from something traumatic that has happened in your life. Amen, hallelujah. I'm looking and I'm reading. Here we go. What else? It just kind of says research estimates that 60 to 75% of people in North America experience a traumatic event. 60 to 75%. That leaves 25% who have not. Oh my gosh, that's a lot, amen. That's very few that haven't. Amen, look, thank you. How do we see it, the forms or the way that it comes? I'm going to read the list that's in front of me. It says bullying. These are traumatic. This can call a traumatization, bullying, harassment, physical, psychological or sexual abuse, sexual assault, traffic collisions Traffic collisions now, childbirth, life-threatening illnesses, sudden loss of a loved one, being attacked, being kidnapped, acts of terrorism, natural disasters and war. All of these traumatic events can be isolated, repeated or ongoing. Amen, hallelujah, that's powerful. Amen. Another big one is childhood trauma. You're wondering why, as an adult, you know you're, you know you last shout and you're angry all the time. Nine times out of ten, you had a traumatic event that happened in your childhood and you don't remember it. Amen, maybe somebody walked out of your life, as when you were a child and you left. You were left with no answer as to why. That can cause trauma and it can absolutely affect your relationships in your adulthood. Amen, what kind of treatment is there out there? Okay, therapy. Therapy is typically the first line of treatment when you're dealing with trauma because it can help you bring it out. What really is wrong Cognitive, behavioral health, amen, and I would have to say, actually my own daughter has to is. She's in therapy as well because there's a lot of things. We're trying to figure out why she do some of the things that she do. Look, ain't nothing wrong and show me no shame. If you need therapy, it's okay because at the end of you're going to come out better. Amen. You're going to come out better than what you were. Hallelujah, what else we got here? You can take medications, of course. I personally. I'm not a medication type of person. You know some people are you follow. All I say is follow the spirit, amen. Some people need medications and others don't. Just depends on you, amen. We live in a society where you know there's appeal for everything, but I'm telling you it ain't necessarily so that you need appeal. Amen. Some do, but not everybody does. Hallelujah. Maybe you just need to talk about it. Sometimes we got. Self care is a solution to dealing with the emotional, psychological and physical symptoms of trauma. We can exercise meditation, yeah, like things like yoga and whatnot. Making sure you're getting plenty of rest, getting a balanced diet, you're not mixing and meagling with a whole lot of alcohol and drugs, and just simply relaxing, spending time with people you know that care about you and people that you care about. Amen. You got to build some relationships with people that you trust so that you can get, you can come into a place of peace in regard to whatever that trauma was. So we can no longer be a terror to you. Amen. We got to make peace with the trauma. Amen, so it can become your testimony. Jesus, there it is. You heard me. Hallelujah. I'm going to say that again. You got to make peace with the trauma so it does not terrorize you, but it becomes your testimony, it becomes your message. Hallelujah, amen. This is this. This is when God takes that thing that the enemy meant for evil, he turns it for your good. Yes, god, hallelujah To God be the glory. I hope that makes sense. Amen. Look, don't ever get to the place. You want to commit suicide. Amen. Suicide is not the answer. Amen, hallelujah, it is not the answer. Hallelujah. You can end your life prematurely. Suicide is not the answer. If you know somebody who seems like they're on the brink of that, reach out and help them. Amen, reach out and help them. Do whatever you can to keep them from fulfilling that act. Amen, because far too often people in their lives prematurely before the fullness of God has come to pass. Amen, y'all talk to me, hallelujah, we are almost there, hallelujah. So I hope that this was a help to somebody. If, if, if nothing else had turned on the light, amen, it answered some type of questions as to what's going on and why you might act a certain way, and or maybe why relationships you keep getting in and keep falling apart. I hope that this becomes a help to you, amen, because you know you're not alone. You have your father who cares about you, and he's going to send the right people at the right time. Have you listening to the right thing and looking at the right thing right on time? Hallelujah, he's never late. Amen, he's always there. So I pray again that you will come back. Listen to the next two episodes Amen, number 40. No, Number 39 and number 40. I believe it is. Check out those two episodes. Then we got 41 is a bonus episode before we go into our next season, which will begin in on the first Friday of March. Amen, amen, I'm not. Yeah, march, march. My bad, y'all had got confused in the numbers. Amen, so quickly, let's go ahead and pray before we get ready to get out of here. Amen. So, father, we thank you again for your grace and your mercy. I pray in the name of Jesus, lord, that your will will continue to be done. Father, we pray for every heart and every mind that is here. I pray that something will say it for anybody who's listening. I pray, in the name of Jesus, that we come into a place to realize that everything that we hear ain't for us, but there is something Amen, there's. Nobody is anywhere and doing anything on an accident that you are absolutely in control. You know what's going on. I pray that your people will continue to trust on you, continue to lean on you and not on their own understanding. I pray, god, for that person who's traumatized and doesn't know it. I pray for that one who's traumatized and doesn't want to deal with it. I pray, god, that right now, in the name of Jesus, that you will reach way down, deep, into a place that no man can touch, that you, god, will reveal and bring forth what it is that they need to see, what they need to hear, what they need to understand. Bless your people, god, in the way, in the manner, in the way, in the manner, in the mind that you have to reach them. God, we thank you so much and we bless your people. We bless your name. I thank you, we thank you, we praise you, we praise Jesus Christ Name. We do pray Amen, amen and amen, hallelujah, hallelujah and hallelujah again, amen. We love y'all so much. We're so grateful that you are here and listening each and every week. So y'all don't forget it, don't ever forget it you are a diamond, you're a diamond, you're a diamond in the rough. We bless you and we thank you again for your presence and we bless your day. We continue to bless your journey. Pray for us as we pray for you. Amen, we love you and we'll see y'all next week.